Tema de 2014: «La resiliencia es para toda la vida»
Тема Дня 2014 года «Стойкость во имя жизни»
2014 Theme: Resilience is for Life
As a human family, we are growing older. Globally, approximately 700 million people – 10 per cent of the world’s population – are over the age of 60, and by 2030, there will be more elderly persons than children for the first time in history.
This year’s commemoration of the International Day for Disaster Reduction is an opportunity to recognize the role of older men and women in fostering resilience.
When a natural disaster hits, older persons suffer disproportionately high levels of death and injuries. This tragic trend must be reversed through plans, services and support that ensure we address the vulnerabilities facing older persons while optimizing their contributions to our collective safety and wellbeing.
Disaster planning must take account of the reduced mobility experienced by many older persons. We have to enable them to prepare for a potential disaster, reach safety and protect themselves. The needs of older persons should also be taken into account in early warning systems, social protection mechanisms, evacuation and emergency response plans, and public awareness campaigns.
At the same time, it is important to recognize that older persons have strengths that can serve the community at large. Their years of experience can help in reducing risks posed by disasters. We should involve them in disaster risk management as well as related planning and decision-making processes. Older persons can also meaningfully enrich our critical global discussions on addressing climate change and achieving sustainable development.
On this International Day for Disaster Risk Reduction, let us remind ourselves that building resilience to disasters has no time limit in one’s life; it starts in youth and grows more important as we age.
Ban Ki-moon
Resilience is for life
Vulnerability to natural hazards is increasing to alarming rates, as their frequency intensifies, and exacerbated by rapid population growth and ageing populations. The 2014 International Day for Disaster Reduction is dedicated to older people, to their needs and to their contribution to better planning and understanding disaster risks in their communities.We know well that age is a major factor for evacuation during emergencies. Older people are also more vulnerable than younger groups to injuries resulting from such weather extremes as heatwaves, storms and floods. It is projected that by 2050, people over the age of sixty will represent 22 percent of the world’s population, twice the current number. This is why we must start today to include the concerns of older people in all planning and preparations to mitigate the risks of disasters.We must also listen more carefully to the voices of older people, whose contribution to tackling environment challenges is underestimated. Our elders are forces for resilience, thanks to their understanding of natural phenomena, including within traditional knowledge systems and those of indigenous people. This vast reservoir of knowledge can help in improving preparedness as well as in preventing disasters, thanks to the wisdom that older people can share about local phenomena. Mitigating the risks of disasters must build on local foundations, drawing on the views and needs of local communities, who are the first affected by natural disasters.This was a key message that UNESCO sent at the 3rd International Conference on Small Island Developing States, held in Apia, Samoa, during the High-Level Event on Coping with and adapting to Ocean Threats for Resilient SIDS Communities. UNESCO is acting across all areas of its mandate and across the world to build a global culture of resilience for local communities. In Viet Nam, we have been working with media institutions to train journalists in producing written and broadcast material that highlights the vulnerability of older people, as well as women and children, during evacuation situations and calling for more inclusive prevention plans.Resilience is more than simply recovery from adversity –- it must be about building stronger societies today to prepare for tomorrow. On this International Day for Disaster Reduction, I call on all Governments and all relevant actors to integrate older people in programmes and plans of disaster risk reduction, and to ensure the participation of local communities into all stages of planning. This is essential to lay the ground for a more sustainable for all.
Irina Bokova
Join the forum : International Day for Natural Disaster Reduction - 13 October
Why should disaster risk reduction involve older persons?
Why should disaster risk reduction involve older persons?
- Marking the International DRR day in Kinna, Isiolo County
- IDDR 2014 Plan International - Indonesia
- Saritsa Foundation organizes workshops for older people (Seniors) to celebrate International Day for Disaster Reduction – Resilience peace for life
- IDDR 2014 - Cambodia
- The IDDR 2014 at Natural History Museum of Crete, Greece
- Ageing population and disasters
- IDDR 2014 Plan International Nepal
- Celebration of International Day for Disaster Risk Reduction - Viet Nam
- Día Internacional de Reducción de Riesgos de Desastres
- IDDR 2014 - Plan International Bangladesh
- IDDR 2014 - Plan International, Laos
- IDDR 2014 Bhutan
- IDDR 2014 symposium and celebrations - Kenya
- International Day for Disaster Reduction Knowledge Exchange Forum
- IX Conference 'International Day for Disaster Redution' | Amadora - Portugal
- ODI event in partnership with Age International
- Local Emergency Planning
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Resilience is for Life |
Resources :
- UNISDR work programme 2014-2015: delivering against the strategic framework SOURCE: UNISDR
- Sixth Session of the Pacific Platform for Disaster Risk Management: Chair's summary
- A catalyst for change: how the Hyogo Framework for Action has promoted disaster risk reduction in South East Europe SOURCE: UNISDR EUR; GFDRR; WB
- Sixth Session of the Pacific Platform for Disaster Risk Management: Chair's summary SOURCE: UNISDR Pacific; SPC
- Submission to the UNFCCC Executive Committee call for inputs for the initial two-year workplan for the implementation of the functions of the Warsaw international mechanism on loss and damage associated with climate change impacts SOURCE: UNISDR
- Status report on implementation of Africa regional strategy and Hyogo Framework for Action SOURCE: UNISDR AF
- Finland peer review report 2013 - Building resilience to disasters: implementation of the Hyogo Framework for Action (2005-2015) SOURCE: UNISDR EUR; EC; OECD
- Asia-Pacific input document for the Post-2015 Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction (HFA2): risk sensitive development as the cornerstone of resilience and sustainability SOURCE: UNISDR AP; Thailand - gov
- Urban risk reduction and resilience SOURCE: UNISDR
- International cooperation to reduce disaster risk SOURCE: UNISDR
- Climate resilience SOURCE: UNISDR
- Risk-informed public policy and investment SOURCE: UNISDR
- Risk-sensitive business investment SOURCE: UNISDR
- Suggested elements for the post-2015 framework for disaster risk reduction (June 2014) SOURCE: UNISDR
- R!SE: program summary SOURCE: UNISDR
- UNISDR Europe annual report 2013 SOURCE: UNISDR EUR
- UNISDR annual report 2013 SOURCE: UNISDR
- Natural disasters in the Middle East and North Africa: a regional overview SOURCE: WB; UNDP; UNISDR ROAS; GFDRR
- Historical collection of disaster loss data in Albania SOURCE: CIMA; UNISDR
- planificación de la reducción del riesgo de desastres (RRD) en América Latina y el Caribe SOURCE: UNISDR AM; ECHO; CRID
- Criterios en la identificación de acciones claves para la planificación de la reducción del riesgo de desastres (RRD) en América Latina y el Caribe SOURCE: UNISDR AM; CRID; ECHO
- Guía para la aplicación de criterios en la identificación de acciones claves para la planificación de la reducción del riesgo de desastres (RRD) en América Latina y el Caribe SOURCE: UNISDR AM; ECHO; CRID
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