年世界卫生日, 4月7日.
Día Mundial de la Salud , 7 de Abril.
World Health Day, 7 April.
Всемирный день здоровья, 7 апрел.
Journée mondiale de la Santé, 7 avril.
يوم الصحة العالمي، 7 أبريل
Journée mondiale de la Santé 2015 - la sécurité sanitaire des aliments.
Всемирный день здоровья 2015 года: Безопасность пищевых продуктов.
يوم الصحة العالمي 2015: السلامة الغذائية
United Nations Secretary-General message for the World Health Day, 7 April 2015
Statements :
Other Statements :
"Major foodborne illnesses and causes" WHD 2015 Campaign Toolkit - World Health Organization (WHO)
Foodborne illnesses are usually infectious or toxic in nature and caused by bacteria, viruses, parasites or chemical substances entering the body through contaminated food or water.
How is food quality evaluated?
Traditionally, qualities of foods are evaluated by our sensory organs – our eyes, nose or mouth or, more recently, by the use of instruments. Sensory evaluation is commonly practiced by food regulatory authorities which consists of judging the quality of food by a panel of judges. The evaluation deals with measuring, evaluating, analyzing and interpreting the qualities of food as they are perceived by the senses of sight, taste, touch and hearing.
Advancing Plan for Food Safety - Strategic Plan Food Safety (2013-2022).
Strategic direction 1: Provide the science base for measures along the entire foodchain to decrease foodborne health risks
Strategic direction 2: Improve international and national cross-sectoral collaboration, enhance communication and advocacy
Strategic direction 3: Provide leadership and assist in the development and strengthening of risk-based, integrated national systems for food safety
Día Mundial de la Salud , 7 de Abril.
World Health Day, 7 April.
Всемирный день здоровья, 7 апрел.
Journée mondiale de la Santé, 7 avril.
يوم الصحة العالمي، 7 أبريل
Journée mondiale de la Santé 2015 - la sécurité sanitaire des aliments.
Всемирный день здоровья 2015 года: Безопасность пищевых продуктов.
يوم الصحة العالمي 2015: السلامة الغذائية
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From farm to plate, make food safe |
United Nations Secretary-General message for the World Health Day, 7 April 2015
“From farm to plate: make food safe”
Food contaminated with bacteria, viruses, parasites or chemicals is responsible for more than 200 diseases, ranging from diarrhoea to cancers. Potential new threats to food safety are emerging all the time. Changes to the way food is produced, distributed and consumed, the emergence of resistant bacteria, and increases in travel and trade make it difficult to manage pathogens and contaminants once they are in our food supply.
Unsafe food is a largely under-reported and often overlooked global problem. With the food supply chain stretch ing around the world, the need to strengthen food safety systems within and
among countries is becoming more critical.
That is why, on World Health Day, the World Health Organization (WHO) is calling on countries and all actors to improve food safety from farm to plate and everywhere in between.
The production of safe food is important for economies–it fosters trade and tourism and supports food security and sustainable development.Food safety is also important for education–sick children miss school, and it is at school that the next generation of consumers can learn basic food safety practices.
WHO and the UN Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) work together to set international standards for safe food. They assess the safety of new food technologies, and help countries to prevent, detect and respond to outbreaks of food-borne disease.
These agencies also help countries build their own capacity to predict and manage food-borne disease risks.All people involved in the production, distribution, and preparation of food must play their part to make food safe.
Governments must communicate the importance of food safety to their citizens. The health, agriculture, trade, and environment sectors need to work together.
On World Health Day, let us all ask: how safe is our food?
We all have a role to play in keeping food safe–from farm to plate
Ban Ki Moon
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How Safe is Your Food? |
On 7 April 2015, the World Health Organization joins the rest of the international community to commemorate World Health Day. This year’s theme is “How safe is your food? From farm to plate, make food safe”.
This theme highlights the urgent need for government organizations, food businesses and consumers to put measures in place that will improve food safety from the point of production to consumption.
Unsafe food is linked to the deaths of an estimated 2 million people annually and the African Region is without exception. Infants, young children, pregnant women, the elderly and those with an underlying illness are particularly vulnerable. For example, in 2014, there were more than 100, 000 cases of cholera in 22 countries resulting in over 1700 deaths. So far this year, cholera outbreaks in 13 countries have led to over 200 deaths out of more than 13,000 cases. Food contaminated by harmful bacteria, viruses, parasites or chemical substances can lead to a wide range of health problems. This is responsible for more than 200 diseases, including typhoid fever, diarrhea and cancers, among others.
Food can become contaminated at any point of production and distribution, and food producers play a critical role in preventing this. Equally a large proportion of incidents of foodborne disease are caused by foods improperly prepared or mishandled at home, in restaurants, or markets. There is an urgent need for all food handlers and consumers to understand the importance of adopting basic hygienic practices when buying, selling and preparing food to protect their health and that of the wider community.
In Africa, women who primarily prepare food at home are also key participants in small and medium sized enterprises, as owners, managers and workers in food businesses such as cafes, restaurants, small manufacturers, and street vendors. Improving the safety of food and securing the effective management of businesses operated by women is a key concern in public health for the economic, social status and overall standing of women in their communities.
There is also a growing concern over the increase of resistant microorganisms entering the food chain. Food safety serves as a good platform to bring stakeholders together to address antimicrobial resistance. In combating antimicrobial resistance, prudent use of antimicrobials in agriculture, aquaculture, and animal husbandry is critical, as is the case in human medicine. Production of safe food facilitates access to wider markets and improves overseas earnings.
As we commemorate World Health Day, I call upon African governments to prioritise food safety, align policies in agriculture, trade, health, education, social protection and mobilize adequate financial resources to make food safe for all. Setting food guidelines in line with codex standards, operating regional alert mechanisms and early warning systems as well as building and maintaining adequate food systems and infrastructures will contribute enormously towards improving food safety.
Everyone has a role to play in making food safe and I urge food handlers and consumers to be familiar with common food hazards and handle and prepare food safely.
WHO will continue to collaborate with the Food and Agriculture Organization, the World Organization for Animal Health, and other partners to ensure food is safe “from farm to plate” in African Region.
Thank you.
Other Statements :
- Dr Ala Alwan Regional Director message for World health Day 2015, WHO EMRO Office.
- Dr Poonam Khetrapal Singh Redional Director message for World Health Day 2015, WHO SEARO Office.
"Major foodborne illnesses and causes" WHD 2015 Campaign Toolkit - World Health Organization (WHO)
Foodborne illnesses are usually infectious or toxic in nature and caused by bacteria, viruses, parasites or chemical substances entering the body through contaminated food or water.
How is food quality evaluated?
Traditionally, qualities of foods are evaluated by our sensory organs – our eyes, nose or mouth or, more recently, by the use of instruments. Sensory evaluation is commonly practiced by food regulatory authorities which consists of judging the quality of food by a panel of judges. The evaluation deals with measuring, evaluating, analyzing and interpreting the qualities of food as they are perceived by the senses of sight, taste, touch and hearing.
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Advancing Plan for Food Safety - Strategic Plan Food Safety (2013-2022) |
Strategic direction 1: Provide the science base for measures along the entire foodchain to decrease foodborne health risks
Strategic direction 2: Improve international and national cross-sectoral collaboration, enhance communication and advocacy
Strategic direction 3: Provide leadership and assist in the development and strengthening of risk-based, integrated national systems for food safety
Forum : World Health DAY - 7 April
Safe Food = Healthy Lives.
- How safe is your food? on 7 April from 14:00-15:00 CEST/Paris time (12:00-13:00 UTC/GMT) WHO Regional Office for Europe
- From farm to plate. Keep it safe: How safe is your food? World Health Day 2015,When: April 7, 2015, Time: From 10:00 am to 10:45 a.m. (WDC Time)
Food Safety: from farm to plate make food safe
7 Apr 2015 - Special event on the occasion of World Health Day 2015 (7 April) on the theme “Food safety: from farm to plate, make food safe”co-organized by the World Health Organization (WHO) and the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO)
7 Apr 2015 - Dr. Jacob Kumaresan, Executive Director World Health Organization (WHO) Office in New York, on “Food Safety: from farm to plate, make food safe”, the theme for this year’s World Health Day
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