Monday 12 February 2024

World Radio Day 2024; February 13th.

The theme of the World Radio Day 2024 shines a broad floodlight on Radio’s remarkable past, relevant present and promise of a dynamic future. Looking Forward to Radio’s Next Century; The opportunity provided by the 100-year-plus milestone of Radio begs to be trumpeted at full volume. The century is an occasion to proudly celebrate the medium’s extensive virtues and ongoing potency. It comes at an opportune time, as Radio – though statistically popular and enormously trusted by the public – faces increased challenges to audience and revenue numbers from digital platforms, pervasive social media, digital and generational divides, the headwinds of censorship and, for some media, stifling consolidation-induced debt as well as economic hardships exacerbated by a soft advertising market.

EVENTS: On February 13th, the UNESCO invites the worldwide Radio industry in all its many forms - commercial, public, non-profit – to join in this global celebration of the medium at this special and pivotal juncture in its century-spanning journey.

On this World Radio Day, we celebrate not only the history of radio, but also its central role in our societies, now and in the years to come. The year 2024 marks a milestone in the history of this medium: it is the year we celebrate the centenary of the first live radio broadcast of the Olympic Games, on the eve of the next Games in Paris. This milestone reminds us that, since its creation at the end of the nineteenth century, radio has always been with us, bringing us together around powerful moments and shared emotions. And so, for over a century, it has been informing us, entertaining us, and also educating us, as this year's theme underlines. It is all the more true today: despite the growing influence of the Internet and social networks, radio continues to be a prime source of information and entertainment – it is estimated that over 4 billion people listen to it. Radio is also the medium that reaches places others do not: while almost a third of the population did not have a decent Internet connection in 2023, a proportion that rises to half of the population in rural areas, radio is more inclusive and accessible, particularly in crisis situations. For example, in Afghanistan, following the decision – which UNESCO immediately and firmly condemned - to deprive Afghan girls and women of their fundamental right to learn and teach, the Organization has put in place what is in effect education over the airwaves, supporting Radio Begum in particular. This radio station, run by Afghan women for Afghan women, provides literacy courses and gives them a voice. Radio can also be the voice of the voiceless, enabling all individuals and communities to express themselves, and to bring the diversity of their cultures to life. That is why UNESCO supports and encourages community radio all over the world. As we see it, radio is more than a technical means of broadcasting: it embodies a certain idea of information, cultural diversity and education for all; we could go so far as to say that radio can and must be a humanist medium. Today, 13 February, may we once again acknowledge the road travelled by radio, and the power of its airwaves to build – to “broadcast” – the possibility of a better world.

UNESCO Director-General.

The World Radio Day 2024 observance highlights:

  1. The indelible history of Radio and its powerful impact upon news, drama, music, sports …
  2. The ongoing utilitarian value of Radio as a relatively free and portable public safety net during emergencies and power outages brought on by natural and human-made disasters such as storms, earthquakes, floods, heat, wildfires, accidents and warfare.
  3. The continuing democratic value of Radio to serve as a grassroots catalyst for connectedness within underserved groups including immigrant, religious, minority and poverty-stricken populations; and as an instantaneous bellwether of public opinion expressed through the auspices of free speech in the public space.

UNESCO recognizes and understands the tremendous variety of business models and technological architecture in Radio around the world as well as the independent nature of its companies and organizations, large and small, plus the idiosyncrasies of its on-air personalities. Thus, broadcasters are encouraged to bring their own culture, style and sensibilities to their individual celebrations leading up to and during the February 13 event.

Radio: A century informing, entertaining and educating.

  1. World Radio Day Minutes. Air the UNESCO package of 20 pre-produced “World Radio Day Minutes”. They are 60 second audios discussing interesting aspects of the radio medium during its first 100 years of service to humanity. The texts figure in their descriptions so that you have the option of producing your own episodes in other languages. These short-form audios can be programmed on a schedule of your choosing leading up to and on February 13, World Radio Day (WRD). You can run them as non-commercial announcements or offer them for local sponsorships.
  2. Talk Shows Celebrating Radio. Program (pre-produced or live) talk shows with local and national experts talking about the importance of radio for quality information, highlighting its 100-year history and continuing relevance. Recruit legendary and retired radio personalities known to your audience to participate in these programs supplemented by real clips from the past to be aired leading up to or on February 13.
  3. World Radio Day 2024 Live Event. Schedule a live indoor or outdoor event (depending upon climate) on February 13 celebrating World Radio Day 2024. Invite listeners free (or charge admission in conjunction with a charity). Feature a panel discussion about the relevance of the entire audio sector in a changing media world as well as local legends telling stories about their service to the public through radio. Supplement it with display tables presenting local businesses and sponsors. Consider holding it on a local college or university campus in conjunction with the school’s communication department. Organize a group of diverse stations (either under one corporate umbrella/cluster or actual competing ones) to join forces in support of information, entertainment and education through radio in general. The results will be beneficial for everyone involved.
  4. World Radio Day 2024 Sponsorship with Local Consumer Electronics Store/Chain. Arrange a sales promotion with a local store or chain of stores within your market to offer listeners a significant one-day discount (February 13) on all AM/FM radios and radio-related equipment.
  5. International Dialogue. Schedule interviews/conversations (either live or prerecorded) with your broadcast colleagues from other countries to compare and contrast the history and strength of radio in their respective countries on or leading up to February 13. These shows can be simulcast on both stations or simply be one host interviewing another. For Partnership Opportunities, please check here which stations or partners around the world are interested in collaborative programming and you could contact now.
  6. The Greatest “Radio Songs” of All Time. There are songs in almost every pop music format that contain the word “radio” in them or make reference to the medium of radio. Highlight the “Greatest Radio Songs of All Time” into your playlist intermittently or as a “countdown show” on February 13 in commemoration of World Radio Day 2024. This is an easy and simple way to highlight World Radio Day and create a fun and entertaining programming element.
  7. Visit to a Radio Station. Offer guided tours of your facilities to listeners or local school classes leading up to and on February 13 in celebration of World Radio Day 2024. This will be an effective outreach to a younger generation of new listeners and create community goodwill.
  8. Radio and Emergencies. Emphasize radio’s impact as an informational public safety net entering its second century of service. Use World Radio Day 2024 as a reason to talk about and remind listeners of the value of the medium to provide a lifeline to the public when the electricity goes out and the internet goes down. There are numerous examples in just the past year alone to draw from in terms of earthquakes, wildfires, and storms in which radio news helped people in distress in real time. This is also a talking point in the current issue about some automobile manufacturers choosing to not equip new car models with AM radios.
  9. Theater of the Mind. Use World Radio Day 2024 as a focal point for radio being the “Theater of the Mind” by producing your own locally produced radio dramas and airing them on February 13. You’ll provide intelligent entertainment, support cultural expression, and stimulate listener interest.
  10. Radio, the Original Interactive Mass Medium. Recognize radio’s claim to the title “The Original Interactive Mass Medium” and “The Original Social Media” by using these phrases as often as appropriately possible on February 13. Radio pioneered the concept of taking live calls from listeners on the air to give opinions and receive advice in addition to playing musical requests and announcing dedications in real-time on the air. Highlight the interaction with listeners.
  11. Take Me Out to the Stadium. Radio was the first mass medium to provide live, real-time play-by-play coverage of sporting events. The history of radio’s connection to sports is deep and rich. There is a lot of colorful sports broadcasting history to discuss in celebration of World Radio Day 2024 and nourish vibrant conversations.
  12. Podcasts. Post several new and timely podcasts featuring quality conversations and panel discussions with experts and leaders in the radio profession from around the world as supplemental World Radio Day 2024 content on your station or network website. You can also generate your own podcasts and programs about radio for placement on your website or general distribution.
  13. Positive and Pro-Active – Accomplishment, Pride and Hope. World Radio Day 2024 provides you with a supportive platform and focal point to pursue business, civic and social relationships within your community, and protect free, independent, pluralistic radio. WRD 2024 symbolizes radio’s century of accomplishment, pride in the present and hope for the future. Celebrate World Radio Day 2024 spreading this optimistic perspective leading up to, during and following February 13.
13 February

The First Half Century (1894-1945): Milestones in radio

POCASTS: A special World Radio Day 2024 podcast on radio for early warning and emergency services. In recent decades, broadcast radio stations have become a crucial component of the public safety net, too. During emergencies, the portability of radio receivers and wide reach of radio broadcasts can disseminate early warnings before, and support emergency response and recovery during and after a disaster. Access to timely information can mean the difference between life and death...
Featuring soundbites from: (in order of appearance) H.E Toelupe Poumulinkuku Onesemo, Minister for Communications and Information Technology for Samoa Doreen Bogdan-Martin, Secretary-General, ITU Mario Maniewicz, Director of the Radiocommunication Bureau ITU Timothy Ellam, President, International Amateur Radio Union Produced and Presented by Maximillian Jacobson – Gonzalez Written and Edited by Jennifer Macleod Studio recording by Daniel Woldu

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