Friday 11 August 2023

International Youth Day 2023; August 12th.

FORUM: "Green Skills for Youth: Towards a Sustainable World." International Youth Day 2023.

Today, the world is embarking on a green transition. The shift towards an environmentally sustainable and climate-friendly world is critical not only for responding to the global climate crisis but also for achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). A successful transition towards a greener world will depend on the development of green skills in the population. Green skills are “knowledge, abilities, values and attitudes needed to live in, develop and support a sustainable and resource-efficient society”. These include technical knowledge and skills that enable the effective use of green technologies and processes in occupational settings, as well as transversal skills that draw on a range of knowledge, values and attitudes to facilitate environmentally sustainable decisions in work and in life. Due to their interdisciplinary nature, the essence of green skills is sometimes expressed, partly if not wholly, through other associated terms such as “skills for the future” and “skills for green jobs”. While green skills are relevant for people of all ages, they have heightened importance for younger people, who can contribute to the green transition for a longer period of time. The Programme encourages youth around the world to organize activities to raise awareness about the situation of youth in their country. What do we know about green skills for youth?

Follow the conversation with the hashtags: #12August, #InternationalYouthDay, #Greenskills4youth, #Youthday, #Greenskills.

Every year, International Youth Day celebrates the determination, ideas and leadership of young people as we pursue a better world. Across all of today’s challenges, young people are calling for bold and accelerated action, standing in solidarity with the most vulnerable, and designing solutions to ensure social, economic and climate justice, and peace and prosperity for all. To expand their participation, I recently launched a policy brief calling for governments to make youth participation the norm, rather than the exception, across decisions and policies around the world. This year’s theme reminds us of the importance of ensuring young people gain and apply skills in the burgeoning green economy. From innovative sustainable technologies and renewable energy, to revolutions in transportation systems and industrial activity, young people must be equipped with skills and knowledge to shape a cleaner, greener, more climate resilient future. Humanity depends on the boundless energy, ideas and contributions of youth everywhere. Today and every day, let’s support and stand with young people in shaping a just and sustainable world, for people and planet.

Antonio Guterres.


Date: Sat, Aug 12 2023 | International Day
Location: Online, UN Headquarters, New York.

For the official commemoration of International Youth Day 2023, DESA organizes a global webinar in collaboration with the UN Global Initiative on Decent Jobs for Youth at International Labour Organization and Generation Unlimited. The webinar offers critical information and data and will promote discussions and an exchange of ideas on green skills for youth. It features perspectives from international organizations, national governments and young experts working in this area. Knowledge products were developed to support and encourage stakeholders to celebrate International Youth Day 2023 in their various contexts and roles (see below). Please find the webinar agenda here.

Download Bios of Speakers

The Permanent Mission of Malta to the United Nations, the Civil Society Unit, the Department of Global communications and AFS Intercultural programs welcome you to this year observance. In celebration of the United Nations International Youth Day, with the theme of Green Skills for Youth: Towards a Sustainable World, this event will highlight the role of young people in coming together to amplify engagement and leadership in all areas of decision making and action, especially in creating an environmentally sustainable and climate friendly world.

Think about what you can do in you community and how you can effectively spread the message. Make it fun and relatable and use all your channels to spread the message. Think Facebook, Twitter, university newsletters, local newspapers.
  • Educational radio show. Contact popular local/national radio stations to request a slot to have a discussion with distinguished individuals and youth.
  • Organize a (virtual) public meeting or debate to discuss young people’s contributions to global issues.
  • Initiate round table discussions among adults and young people to promote intergenerational understanding.
  • Organize a youth forum to exchange ideas and discuss cultural backgrounds in order to help young people accept others and popularize a culture of non-violence.
  • Organize a (virtual) concert to promote International Youth Day and the launch of the Year. Invite your local musicians and combine it with a panel discussion or invite a politician or policy maker to hold the keynote speech.
  • Create an “info point” about youth-related issues in the center of town/village, at high schools, or at university centers.
  • Organize an exhibition. Get permission to use a public space for an arts exhibit, which showcases the challenges of young people today or how young people are contributing to development. Try to involve young people in the domains of culture, arts and music, to raise awareness on youth-related issues.
  • Write to your Minister of Youth to inform him or her about the challenges young people face in their daily lives and to suggest solutions. A list of Ministers of Youth can be found at

A variety of informational material, such as the logo for the International Year of Youth, will be made available on the International Youth Day Trello board, which will be made public ahead of International Youth Day. If you would like to use the logo for your event, read the guidelines for the logo and fill out the liability waiver form, which will also be made available for download.

For those interested in organizing activities to celebrate 2023 IYD, logos in all 6 United Nations languages, both with and without the United Nations name are available here.

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