Sunday 18 August 2024

World Humanitarian Day 2024; August 19th.

FORUM: “It’s time for those in power to act for humanity. World Humanitarian Day 2024. For This year’s observance, we demand an end to these violations and the impunity with which they are committed. It is time for those in power to end impunity and Act For Humanity. 2023 was the deadliest year on record for humanitarian workers. 2024 could be even worse. These facts lay bare a glaring truth: the world is failing humanitarian workers and, by extension, the people they serve. Despite universally accepted international laws to regulate the conduct of armed conflict and limit its impact, violations of these laws continue unabated, unchallenged and unchecked. And while civilians, including aid workers, pay the ultimate price, the perpetrators continue to evade justice. This failure of those in power cannot be allowed to continue. Attacks on humanitarian workers and humanitarian assets must stop. Attacks on civilians and civilian infrastructure must stop. Follow the conversation with the hashtags: #ActForHumanity, #19 August; #WorldHumanitarianDay.

EVENTS: Commemorations of the World Humanitarian day 2024.

At UNHQ in New York, On August 19th, the United Nations Emergency Relief Coordinator Under-Secretary-General for Humanitarian Affairs and the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs launches a one-week campaign to honor humanitarian workers. Our 2024 WHD efforts will confront the normalization of attacks on civilians, including humanitarians, and impunity under International Humanitarian Law (IHL). The aim is to build public support to help pressure parties to conflict and world leaders to take action to ensure the protection of civilians, including humanitarians, in conflict zones. We will also release the latest aid worker security data and trends and hold events around the world to demand that those in power Act For Humanity.

CONCERT: UN Chamber Music Society | Virtual Performance in Observance of World Humanitarian Day - In celebration of World Humanitarian Day on Monday, 19 August 2024, the UN Chamber Music Society of the United Nations Staff Recreation Council (UNCMS), will pay special tribute to the real-life heroes from the United Nations and other humanitarian organizations, who have committed their lives to helping others in the most extreme circumstances throughout the world. Daily, the humanitarian community provides life-saving support and protection to those most vulnerable, from refugee camps and displacement settlements to bustling cities and remote areas. As part of the ongoing efforts to support peace and humanitarian aid through music, the music programme will feature “Hold Your Fire”, composed by the renowned musical artist Kadim Al Sahir, and produced in collaboration with the UN Chamber Music Society (Brenda Vongova, Artistic Director). The song is a timeless and evocative track designed to raise awareness about all global crises in the world. Its poignant lyrics resonate with the universal human experiences of pain and loss, transcending specific events to touch the hearts of all. It symbolizes our deep commitment to promoting enduring values of love, solidarity, and unity. Learn more about the virtual performance and listen the concert!

At UN Geneva; On August 19th at 4:00 pm CET a commemorative event will be held at the Palais des Nations, Building E, 3rd Floor; Outside the Human Rights and Alliance of Civilizations Room (Room XX). The Humanitarian partners are coming together to reaffirm that civilians and aid workers caught in conflicts are not a target and to honor humanitarians who strive to meet ever-growing global needs. Register to participate to the event!

PUBLICATIONS: Reports on the humanitarian situation in the Middle east, in Africa and asia.

The Humanitarian Access SCORE Report: Gaza - the first six months (March 2024) estimated that more than 30,000 civilian deaths have included over 150 aid workers, an unprecedented number for a single context in such a short period.

The 2024 Global Humanitarian Overview requires $48.65 billion to assist 186.5 million people in need. As of end of July 2024, reported GHO funding amounts to $12.26 billion or 11 per cent less than last year at the same time.

From OPT to Sudan to Myanmar and beyond, the first half of 2024 was characterized by attacks against health, education and water and sanitation facilities that left millions of people without access to the services they need to survive. (Global Humanitarian Overview 2024)

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