Theme 2015 : Better Data, Better Lives.
El tema de 2015 es: Datos mejores. Vidas mejores.
Тема Дня 2015 года: повышение качества данных, повышение качества жизни
Thème 2015 : « De meilleures données pour une vie meilleure »
Good data and statistics are indispensable for informed decision - making by all actors in society. This was explicitly acknowledged in 2014, when the United Nations General Assembly adopted the Fundamental Principles of Official Statistics to promote citizen’s entitleme nt to public information. As countries and organizations embark on implement ing the ambitious 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, r eliable and timely statistics and indicators are more important than ever. For that reason, World Statistics Day this year is being observed under the theme “Better data, better lives.” W e need to en sure that everyone is counted, especially the most poor and vulnerable. No child’s birth shall remain unregistered . No incidence of disease , no matter how remote the locat ion , shall remain un recorded . We need local statistics to ensure that every child has access to education and we need global statistics to monitor the overall effects of climate change. Over the past 15 years , many countries have made considerable effort s to strengthen their national statistical capacity under the leadership of their national statistical offices. The 2010 Population and Housing Census Round, numerous national survey programmes, as well as administrative data, have contributed around the world to improving the information base for monitoring progress towards the Millennium Development Goals , and have contributed significantly to the ir success. At the United Nations , the Statistical Commission has for almost 70 years led the global statist ical system. Through its standards and guidelines, the Commission has created a language which enables us to communicate data and to share practical experiences globally. Today, the Commission stands ready to play a key role in developing and implementin g a solid global measurement process for the Sustainable Development Goals . However, the monitoring requirements for the success of the Sustainable Development Goals pose a significant challenge to even the most developed countries. We need a data revolu tion. We need to strengthen statistical capacity and tap into the potential of new technology. We need the contributions and expertise of data producers and users, academia, the private sector and civil society. On this World Statistics Day , I urge all partners and stakeholders to work together to ensur e that the necessary investments are made, adequate technical capacity is built, new data sources are explored and innovative processes are applied to give all countries the comprehensive information s ystems they need to achieve sustainable development.
Ban Ki-moon, United Nations Secretary-General.
United Nations Headquarters, New York, 20 October 2015
Distinguished colleagues around the world,
Today we are celebrating World Statistics Day 2015! And I would like to thank y ou for inviting me to join your special celebration for a few minutes. Today we are united as a global professional community and as a global statistical family – in deliveri ng an important message: better statistics bring better lives. The fundamental importance of statistics has never had a stronger recognition than it is receiving today. The call for better data for sustai nable development resonates strongly with all of us. During our working days we are bound by a shared professional ethos and today on this da y of celebration we are rightfully bound by a shared sense of professional pride, conscious that what we do every day has an impact on people’s life. Whether we work on a census or on a sur vey or on administrative records; Whether we focus on collecting, processing or ma king data available to all; Whether we double, triple or quadruple check data......
This day is for us – for each and ever y statistician around the world. And the celebrations take many different forms : from seminars to panel discussions, from creative competitions to songs; and it is generally a hap py affair – and rightly so - appropriately symbolized by our little blue friend - the smiling statistician.
We are living in a fast-evolving world. Our last World Statistics Day was only 5 years ago, but just consider how much has happened and changed since then: Let me highlight just a few milestones:
• 2010 – the most successful and comprehensive Global Census round ever is conducted;
• 2011 – the United Nations launches a programme on Global Geospatial Informa tion Management, studying, among other things, the integration of statistical an d geospatial information;
• 2013 – the Statistical Commission launches a Global Working Group on Big Data for Official Statistics;
• 2014 – the UN General Assembly adopts the Fundamental Principles of Offic ial Statistics at the highest political level; • 2014 again – the UN Secretary General commissions a report on “Data Revolution for Sustainable Development”;
• 2015 – the last Millennium Development Goal indicator report is released, comp leting an extra-ordinary chapter of global cooperation in statistics, led by t he Inter-Agency and Expert Group on MDG indicators, delivering annually, not only to the policy makers but als o to the 2 public, the best available data sets to monitor progress towards the Mil lennium Development Goals.
• And this year again – for the first time in history the Chair of the UN Statistic al Commission addresses the UN General Assembly, to obtain the technical ma ndate to formulate the new indicator framework for the newly adopted United Nations 2030 Sustainable Development Agenda. And during that same 5-year period, at national level, many of you were exper iencing on the one side the opportunities provided by fascinating ICT developments, but on t he other side the twin pressures of ever-increasing user-demands paired with often decreasin g resources. Many national statistical offices responded with a mixture of rationalization and moderniza tion to these new challenges.
The 2030 Sustainable Development Agenda epitomizes the challenges but also the opportunities ahead of us: The agenda itself recognizes the centr ality of statistics and data to development. The formulation of a new, global, regional and nation al indicator architecture, provides high visibility for our profession and uniquely opens the door f or an inter-active dialogue with policy decision makers at all levels. We need to provide our best professional advice: it is clear that the significantly broader development agenda with a higher focus on disaggregation will require more resources, new methodological developments, integrat ion of new data sources with traditional ones, the building of partnerships and increased cooperat ion within and across countries.
To put it in my simple favourite phrase these days: Sustainabl e Development will need to be supported by Sustainable Statistics. Therefore, our joint project for the future is to continue to buil d strong National Statistical Systems, National Information Systems, under the leadership of the National Statistical Offices. This can only be successful if the statistical community has s trong support and full political backing from the highest national authorities. In this context this World Statistics Day is an excellent opportunity to start a conversation between users and producers of s tatistics and data at all levels. It is an opportunity to showcase our achievements centred around the key concepts of quality and sustainability, and to demonstrate our unique position as official sta tisticians to contribute to improving the lives of many through our products – living up to our vis ion statement: Better Data. Better Lives.
Dear colleagues, You will not be surprised, if I tell you that I am a firm bel iever in sub-regional, regional and global cooperation, where we can effectively connect and share knowledge through the development of standards, which is the essence of our internationa l work. With the UN Statistical Commission we have a powerful platform to build on our past accomp lishments and to prepare jointly for future challenges. We at the UN Statistics Division are f ully committed to supporting you and the Statistical Commission and we are already looking forwar d to seeing many of you here next year in March.
Thank you very much for your attention – and Happy World Statistics
Mr Stefan Schweinfest, UN Statistics Division.
FORUM : World Statistics Day, October 20
Official statistics help decision makers develop informed policies that impact millions of people. Improved data sources,
sound statistical methods, new technologies and strengthened statistical systems enable
better decisions that eventually result in better lives for all of us.
On 20 October 2015, the global statistical community will showcase their achievements and their ongoing work to help this vision come true. Tweet #StatsDay15
On 20 October 2015, the global statistical community will showcase their achievements and their ongoing work to help this vision come true. Tweet #StatsDay15
United Nations Statistics Division at a Glance 2015 - Better Data. Better Lives.
The 47th Session of the Statistical Commission will be held 8-11 March 2016 in New York.
Today 20 October 2015 the United Nations Statistical Division joins statistical offices, universities, international organisations, the private sector and Statisticians worldwide in celebrating the second Word Statistical Day, promoting the invaluable importance of data in the uplifting of lives, “Better Data Better Lives”.
For more information on planned activities and supporting resources, please visit the World Statistics Day 2015 website.
A Message from the UNSD Director
I am pleased to present the newly-designed overview of the United Nations Statistics Division’s work: Statistics Division at a Glance . The objective of this document is to inform our stakeholders – delegates, Chief Statisticians, colleagues from national, regional and international statistical agencies - about the work programme and achievements of the Statistics Division in the 2014.
The recent year saw continued work in our regular work program as well as initiatives in some new and exciting topics. In the area of technical assistance, in the year 2014 the Division organized 43 workshops, expert group meetings and seminars at which a total of 2,878 professionals exchanged experience and received training. 96 individual fellowships were awarded to statisticians from developing countries to attend 19 regional and international meetings. The Division’s three Inter -regional Advisors conducted 11 advisory missions.
One quarter of these events was organized under the regular programme for technical cooperation, the rest under the various multi - year capacity building trust funds and ongoing development account projects. In terms of substantive areas, the organized events covered demographic and social statistics (9); economic statistics, such as international trade, economic globalization, tourism, energy and industrial statistics and national accounts (22); environment statistics and environmental - economic accounting (6); and geospatial information management (6). In 2014 also UNSD released 19 publications (En glish and Bilingual) and 12 in languages (other than English) and one white cover draft publication. The prevalence of the use of electronic devices and the generation of digital information has caused a fundamental change to the nature of data.
The statistical community is recognizing the potential offered by Big Data sources for Official Statistics and for the monitoring of the Sustainable Development Goals. However, the statistical iii community is conscious of the fact that in order to take advantage of the various Big Data sources, it needs to adequately address issues pertaining to methodology, quality, technology, legislation, privacy, management and finance. The United Nations Statistics Division is also supporting the United Nations Statistical Commission (UNSC) and its Friends of the Chair Group on broader measures of progress in the activities related to the development and implementation of a monitoring framework for the post-2015 development agenda. One important task is to provide statistical support to the intergovernmental process towards the post-2015 development agenda in order to ensure the measurability of goals and targets and that a robust measurement approach is incorporated from the onset. As always, we look forward to working with all of you this year to further strengthen the global statistical system in general and National Statistical Offices in particular. To reflect this goal as well as the upcoming challenge of the Sustainable Development Goals, we have adopted a new motto for the Statistics Division: Better Data, Better Lives .
Stefan Schweinfest Director
United Nations Statistics Division
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United Nations Statistical Commission |
The 47th Session of the Statistical Commission will be held 8-11 March 2016 in New York.
- World Statistics Day 2015
- Principles Governing International Statistical Activities.
- Fundamental Principles of Official Statistics.
- UNDATA - A World of Information.
- UN comtrade
- SDG Indicators Website
Today 20 October 2015 the United Nations Statistical Division joins statistical offices, universities, international organisations, the private sector and Statisticians worldwide in celebrating the second Word Statistical Day, promoting the invaluable importance of data in the uplifting of lives, “Better Data Better Lives”.
For more information on planned activities and supporting resources, please visit the World Statistics Day 2015 website.
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