2015 theme -
“Small and Medium Enterprises for Poverty Eradication and Job Creation for Women and Youth"
In recent years, many countries in Africa have experienced significant economic growth and progress in human development. However, inclusive and sustainable industrial development remains elusive. Youth unemployment and gender inequity jeopardize the continent’s efforts to eradicate poverty.
The private sector in Africa contributes to a projected 80 per cent of the continent’s Gross Domestic Product and supports an estimated 90 per cent of all jobs. Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) have a pivotal role to play in the industrial development of Africa. Nevertheless, opportunities for youth and women generated by SMEs are limited, thus failing to harness the full entrepreneurial potential of the continent. This means less capacity for transformative socio-economic development, innovation and value addition.
I welcome the theme for this year’s Africa Industrialization Day: “SMEs for Poverty Eradication and Job Creation for Women and Youth”. Africa needs to invest in training and education for women and youth to industrialize, grow the private sector and achieve sustainable development. SMEs can provide a solid foundation for sustained economic growth, job creation and poverty eradication.
The important contribution of inclusive and sustainable industrialization in helping Africa to overcome its critical development challenges is clearly recognized in the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, adopted by United Nations Member States in September. On this year’s Africa Industrialization Day, I reaffirm the commitment of the United Nations to enhance Africa’s SME sector and stimulate economic opportunities for women and youth to promote the continent’s progress towards economically enriched, socially inclusive and prosperous societies.
Ban Ki-moon
Did you know?
- Africa’s growth has continued to increase, rising from 3.7 % in 2013 to 3.9 % in 2014.
- However, the pace of Africa’s industrialization has been slow. Africa's share of global manufacturing exports is a meagre 1.9 %, compared to over 16 % for East Asia.
- Moreover, Africa is marginalised in world trade. The continent’s share in global exports has remained at roughly 3.3 % since 2010.
- Today, Africa has over 82 trillion dollars in discovered natural resources. Africa must add value to these resources, to maintain the wealth within the continent.
- Africa needs a stable trajectory for economic growth and prosperity. To achieve that, Africa must industrialize as prioritised by the African Union's Agenda 2063.
1. Africa is the least developed region of the world in terms of industrialization. It accounts for a negligible share of global industrial output and manufactured exports. Only in a few of the countries is the manufacturing value added/GDP ratio above 20 pe rcent. In a large number of African countries, the manufacturing sector’s contribution to GDP is less than 15 per cent and in some cases lower than 5 per cent. The output of the sector is heavily concentrated on low technology products such as food, texti les, clothing, footwear, etc. The majority of African countries are yet to be involved in any significant sense in the medium - and high - technology segments of global manufacturing that have been characterized by dynamism and rapid growth in recent years. The African economy is heavily dependent on the production and exports of primary products and consequently suffers from the associated risks of this dependence. The continent must take advantage of new opportunities offered by globalization by preparing e nterprises, putting in place policies for upgrading, developing human resources, strengthening its capacities for innovation, by accepting the facts of industrialization.
2. Industrialization is a critical engine of economic growth and development. Indeed, industrialization is the essence of development. That Africa remains the poorest region of the world, where 34 of the 50 least developed countries are located and in which p overty is on the increase, is a reflection of its low level of industrialization and marginalization in global manufacturing. There exists a strong linkage between industrial productive capacity, economic growth, and level of development. The developing re gions and countries that are sharing in the benefits of globalization, making progress towards the attainment of the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs), and moving up on the ladder of development are the rapidly industrializing ones. Africa has not benefi ted much from the process of globalization and risks not meeting the MDGs in spite of its richness in natural resources.
3. African Heads of State and Government have in recent years taken a number of major initiatives, to meet the challenges of development, to reverse the marginalization of Africa in the global economy and polity, and to claim the 21 st Century for the peoples of the continent. These include the establishment of the African Union (AU) and the adoption of the New Partnership for Africa’s Devel opment (NEPAD) as the strategic programme of the Union.
Strategy for the Implementation of the Plan of Action for the Accelerated Industrial Development of Africa (En)
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Strategy for the implementation of the Plan of action for the accelerated Industrial Development in Africa. |
Africa has witnessed improved growth in recent years – averaging 5.5 per cent per annum. Nevertheless, poverty remains a serious challenge. This is because growth alone is not sufficient to propel broad-based development. For growth to be translated into sustained poverty reduction, greater attention needs to be placed on the quality of growth, its sustainability and spread. In this context, greater access to, acquisition and application of science, technology and innovation are critical for African countries to raise the quality of their human capital and consequently, enhance pro-poor growth. UNIDO's AFRICA PROGRAMME.
Inclusive and Sustainable Industrial Development in Africa Region - UNIDO.
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Inclusive and Sustainable Industrial Development in Africa Region - UNIDO. |
During the 2013-2014 Biennium, programmes and projects assisting African Member States to achieve UNIDO’s mandate of “Inclusive and Sustainable Industrial Development“ (ISID) have been implemented in all UNIDO priority areas; namely, agribusiness and rural entrepreneurship, industrial policy development, trade capacity building, energy, youth employment, investment promotion, institutional capacity development, energy efficiency and climate change.
The delivery of UNIDO technical assistance in the region amounted to US$ 37.8 million in 2013 and US$ 41.2 million in 2014. Moreover, during the 2013-2014 Biennium, UNIDO developed several country programmes in the region, of which 13 were approved and signed. As of April 2015, there were 17 country programmes under development. UNIDO also convened a number of events, including conferences and other thematic global forums in the region. The region covered by UNIDO’s Africa Bureau comprises 45 sub-Saharan countries, including 20 Middle Income Countries (MICs), 31 Least Developed Countries (LDCs, out of 34 in African continent); 16 of the world’s 32 Land-Locked Developing Countries (LLDCs) and five Small Island Developing States (SIDS, out of 51 in the world).
Forum : Africa Industrialization Day - November 20
On Africa Industrialization Day, Ban warns gender inequity, youth unemployment risk continent’s progress
Events :
4th Congress of African Economists 2015 Theme: “Industrial Policy and Economic Performance in Africa”. Share. 16th – 18th November 2015
News :
4th Congress of African Economists 2015 Theme: “Industrial Policy and Economic Performance in Africa”. Share. 16th – 18th November 2015
News :
The United Nations System and Africa
- Economic Commission for Africa (UNECA)
- International Labour Organisation (ILO)
- International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD)
- UN Women
- United Nations Development Programme (UNDP)
- International Telecommunciations Union (ITU)
- United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO)
- Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS (UNAIDS)
- United Nations Human Settlements Programme (UN-HABITAT)
- United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP)
- United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO)
- World Bank
- UN Convention to Combat Desertification (UNCCD)
- United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD)
- United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA)
- World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO)
- World Health Organization (WHO)
Resources :
- Office of the Special Adviser on Africa
- Operationalization of the 2030 Agenda for Africa’s Industrialization (26 September 2015)
- Africa Renewal
- UN News Centre
- UN peacebuilding in Africa
- New Partnership for Africa's Development (NEPAD)
- African Union
- The Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS)
- The Southern African Development Community (SADC)
- African Development Bank Group
- 2012: International Year for Sustainable Energy
- African Union Commission , Trade and Industry Department
- Industrial Policy and Economic Transformation in Africa- Columbia University Press.
- The International Study Group Report on Africa’s Mineral - African Union Commission.
- Industrial Development Report Series - UNIDO.
- The 8th Joint Annual Meetings of the African Union Specialized Technical Committee on Finance, Monetary Affairs, Economic Planning and Integration and the ECA Conference of African Ministers of Finance, Planning and Economic Development
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