Friday, 21 February 2025

International Mother Language Day 2025; February 21st.

FORUM: The year 2025 marks the 25th anniversary of the International Mother Language Day, first proclaimed by UNESCO and later adopted by the United Nations General Assembly. Celebrated annually on February 21st, this milestone will highlight a quarter-century of dedicated efforts to preserve linguistic diversity and promote the use of mother tongues. Languages are essential for both education and sustainable development, shaping the way people learn, communicate, and engage with society. The world is increasingly aware of its rich cultural, linguistic and biological diversity and their interlinkages. There is growing recognition of the need to protect and preserve this diversity in the face of its gradual decline. The UNESCO estimates that there are 8,324 languages, spoken or signed. Out of these, around 7,000 languages are still in use. However, linguistic diversity is under threat, with many languages disappearing at an accelerated pace in our rapidly changing world.Language is the primary medium through which knowledge is transferred. Education plays a key role in sharing and maintaining the world’s diversity, where languages, cultures and environments mutually and sustainably support one another. There is still much to be done to ensure that all learners have the right to education in the language they best speak and understand

EVENTS: Silver Jubilee celebration of International Mother Language Day.



The UNESCO will celebrate the Silver Jubilee of the International Mother Language Day (IMLD) in line with the UNESCO Executive Board decision 219 EX/38 which aims to reaffirm the importance of linguistic diversity and multilingualism in promoting human dignity, peaceful co-existence and mutual understanding. The celebration of the 25th anniversary of the International Mother Language Day serves as a significant opportunity to reflect on achievements, renew commitments, and emphasize the critical role of language preservation in safeguarding cultural heritage, improving education outcomes and creating more peaceful, sustainable societies. As we approach 2030, the Silver Jubilee will highlight the urgency of accelerating progress on linguistic diversity and multilingualism to achieve a more sustainable, equitable and inclusive world by 2030. It will also contribute to the International Decade of Indigenous Languages (2022–2032) for which UNESCO is leading global efforts. The Silver Jubilee will also underline the crucial role of languages in implementing the SDGs and shaping the post-SDG agenda. Languages are essential for communication, inclusion, education, and empowerment – all key for achieving the SDGs.

Throughout 2025 and beyond, UNESCO will harness its convening power and leadership in education to advocate for multilingual educational policies and practices. Register to participate and watch the livestream!

Goal and objectives
The event seeks to renew commitment towards supporting linguistic diversity and multilingualism as a key contribution to the attainment of all SDGs. Specifically, it aims to:
  • Review progress in policies and practices for developing multilingual societies and educational
  • systems.
  • Showcase educational policies and practices that have improved access to quality multilingual education.
  • Further advocate for inclusive language policies and practices that respect language communities.

Expected outcomes
The following expected outcomes reflect the key objectives of the celebration and the broader vision to promote multilingualism as a foundation for a more inclusive and equitable future:
  1. Fostered dialogue and cooperation on language diversity and multilingual education.
  2. Enhanced awareness of the potential of multilingual education in a globalized and digitalized world.
  3. Renewed commitment towards linguistic diversity and multilingualism, with specific attention to the preservation, teaching and transmission of Indigenous languages

Around 500 participants are expected to attend the event including: Ministers of Education and other government officials; Ambassadors and representatives of the Permanent Delegations to UNESCO;
education practitioners and educators; researchers and experts; bilateral, multilateral and other development partners; private sector stakeholders; representatives of youth organizations; representatives of intergovernmental and non-governmental organizations supporting multilingual
education, cultural and linguistic diversity and inclusion in education.

The event will provide a platform for debate and sharing of experiences and innovative policies and programmes and will consist of one day for technical dialogues (20 February) and a High-Level event (21 February). An exhibition ‘Languages matter!’ will illustrate the richness of languages across the globe, and a cultural event will close the Silver Jubilee celebration. Interpretation will be provided in English, French and Spanish for the technical dialogues on 20 February and in the six UN official languages for the High-level event on 21 February. Sessions will be streamed for online viewing in English, French and Spanish.

Get the list of Panelists!

Contacts: UNESCO’s Section of Education for Inclusion and Gender Equality, Division for Education 2030, Education Sector:

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