Sunday, 9 February 2025

World Pulses Day 2025; February10th.

: “Pulses: Bringing diversity to agrifood systems.World Pulses Day 2025. In 2025, the theme for World Pulses Day is: “Pulses: Bringing diversity to agrifood systems” while the slogan is: “Love pulses for a healthy diet and planet”. This year’s theme will underscore the vital role of pulses in promoting diversity – both above and below the ground. When we integrate pulses into our diets and agrifood systems, we unlock a more sustainable, nutritious and equitable future. Pulses bring diversity to our agrifood systems in multiple ways: on the farm, in our diets and through value-added products. They boost biodiversity on farms by enriching cropping systems with more species. With more than 100 types of pulses available, farmers have many options for crop rotations and/or intercropping. Consumers can enjoy pulses as part of healthy diets. They are an affordable, protein-rich food source (19–25 percent protein), packed with essential minerals, high in fibre, and low in fat. These edible seeds are highly versatile and can be processed into different products, such as flour for making bread and pasta, or even protein drinks. That means they provide a range of income opportunities. Follow the conversations with the hashtags: #WorldPulsesDay; #LovePulses; #10February.

EVENTS: The global celebration of World Pulses Day 2025. On Monday, February 10th; from 10:00 am to 13:00 pm GMT-5 Peru time; The FAO Regional Office for Latin America and the Caribbean will organize a hybrid-event to mark the World Pulses Day 2025. The first session features the official opening of the World Pulses Day 2025 exhibition. Representatives from FAO and Peru’s Ministry of Agricultural Development and Irrigation (MIDAGRI) will inaugurate the event, followed by a tour of the exhibition. With the help of governments, the private sector, Members, partners and the general public, let’s celebrate, recognize and support the production and consumption of pulses as part of sustainable food systems and healthy diets. Register to participate to watch the webcast!

PUBLICATION: Confusion around the terms “legumes” and “pulses” has been a long-standing problem among consumers, health professionals, and researchers in the United States. The Food and Agricultural Organization defines pulses as legumes that are harvested solely as dry grain and include beans, peas, chickpeas, and lentils. For the first time ever, the 2020–2025 Dietary Guidelines for Americans recognized and used the terminology “pulses.” Red the full publication on Terminology matters: Advancing Science to Define an Optimal Pulse Intake.

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