Tuesday 15 October 2024

International Day of Rural Women 2024; October 15th.

FORUM: “Rural Women Sustaining Nature for Our Collective Future: Building climate resilience, conserving biodiversity, and caring for land towards gender equality and empowerment of women and girls.International Day of Rural Women 2024. Achieving gender equality and empowering women is not only the right thing to do but is a critical ingredient in the fight against extreme poverty, hunger and climate change. Women are responsible for half of the world’s food production while working as environmental and biodiversity stewards. As farmers, women have learned how to cope with and adapt to climate change, for example, by practicing sustainable agriculture in harmony with nature, switching to drought-resistant seeds, employing low-impact or organic soil management techniques, or leading community-based reforestation and restoration efforts. Indigenous women have been at the forefront of environmental conservation by bringing invaluable ancestral knowledge and practices, and rural women have been leading global and national climate movements that have spotlighted the need for action for the sake of this and future generations. Given their position on the frontlines of the climate crisis, women are uniquely situated to be agents of change — to help find ways to mitigate the causes of global warming and adapt to its impacts on the ground. However, reports prove that climate change has a more pronounced impact on women, primarily indigenous and peasant women, whose agricultural dependence, living conditions, and marginalization expose them to a greater degree of changes due to climate, loss of diversity, and pollution. Let’s promote their work as food providers and protectors of the environment. Let’s demand their participation in decision-making within their communities. Let’s promote rural areas where women can have the same opportunities as men. Follow the conversation with the hashtags: #Womenwithrights, #ruralwomenday, #MujeresRurales, #MujeresConDerechos, #15October, #RuralWomen, #InternationalDayOfRuralWomen.

EVENTS: Global Commemoration of the International Day of Rural Women 2024, on October 15th.

From 1-17 October 2024” will be held the “17 Days of Activism for the Empowerment of Rural Women Leaders and their Communities.” The “Rural women, women with rights” campaign, convened by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), is a collaborative work initiative that joins efforts, articulates networks, and disseminates knowledge and positive experiences to promote the full autonomy of women in the rural world. Since 2016, this campaign has articulated government entities, civil society organizations and United Nations agencies around regional and national political advocacy actions, in favor of the empowerment of rural women. The Women's World Summit Foundation (WWSF) wish to inform you that the secretariat has decided this year to skip our annual “Call to action – 17 Days of Activism 2024”, and share with you the publication: The United Nations Sustainable Development Goals Report 2023: Towards a Rescue Plan for People and Planet. If you desire to join us subscribe to the Registration Form for the 17 Days Campaign.

FAO Asia-Pacific: On October 17th, from 11.00 am - 12.30 pm ICT (GMT+7) you are invited to join the event "entitled “Breaking the barriers: Gender equality, water and financial inclusion in agrifood systems in Asia and the Pacific.” to discuss gender equality, water and financial inclusion in agrifood systems in Asia-Pacific. Register to participate!

FAO Latin-America: On October 1st, starting at 11:30 am, the FAO Regional Office for Latin America and the Caribbean will be held a virtual-event from the FAO Santiago de Chile to commemorate the International Day of Rural Women 2024. The objectives are to share the reflections and community proposals of rural women and their organizations in order to close the gender gaps associated with poverty and food insecurity through the sustainable use and conservation of biodiversity in the agrifood systems of Latin America and the Caribbean. The dialogue will feature organizations, networks, and regional coalitions of rural women and leaders, especially those formed by Indigenous, Afro-descendant, and/or young women. In addition, governments from the region, academia, civil society organizations, UN system agencies, and actors involved in the development of COP16 on biodiversity, among other key players, will be invited to contribute to closing the equality gaps between rural women and men. In Latin America and the Caribbean, women and their organizations represent one of the key actors in transforming traditional agrifood systems into sustainable, resilient, and inclusive models by 2030. However, rural women continue to face multiple gender inequalities that affect their access to productive resources, such as land, tools, or technological innovation, among others. This makes it difficult for them to be recognized as producers and beneficiaries of various forms of support and incentives, including training, financing, and state assistance, which prevents the full consolidation of sustainable, resilient, and inclusive agrifood systems. Additionally, rural women face a significant burden of unpaid care work, both in the family and community spheres, closely related to the caregiving roles that our societies define as feminine. As a result, rural women face greater job insecurity, are often situated in the least profitable segments of value chains and have limited access to contributory and non-contributory social protection, greatly increasing the feminization of poverty, the incidence of food and nutritional insecurity among them, and reducing their resilience to crises, events, and shocks associated with climate change. Globally, female-headed households experience an average annual income loss of 8% due to heat stress and 3% due to flooding, compared to male-headed households. Additionally, a 1°C increase in long-term average temperature is associated with a 23.6% reduction in farm income and a 34% reduction in total household income for female-headed households, compared to male-headed households. Despite the notable increase in many biodiversity-friendly practices, such as agroecology, organic farming, sustainable forest management, agroforestry, integrated pest management, and the ecosystem approach to fishing and aquaculture, biodiversity is decreasing at the genetic species and ecosystem levels. For example, plant diversity in farmers' fields is decreasing in some countries, and more than one-third of fish stocks are overexploited. Women and other vulnerable social groups tend to rely more on biodiversity for their livelihoods, as crops and livestock breeds constitute their only source of food and income. Therefore, they are disproportionately affected by biodiversity loss, ecosystem degradation, climate change, and natural disasters. With the primary objective of supporting the initiatives of rural women and their organizations, the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) launched the Rural Women Empowerment and Environmental Sustainability Acceleration Programme, a regional initiative that will transformatively support the economic, social, and political empowerment of rural women while contributing to biodiversity conservation and ecosystem restoration. In light of this adverse scenario, and with an focus toward the 16th Conference of the Parties to the Convention on Biological Diversity (COP16), FAO, UN Women, and UNFPA are inviting rural women's organizations to participate in a dialogue focused on identifying the main challenges, strengths, and solutions to close gender gaps related to poverty, food insecurity, and biodiversity conservation in the agrifood systems of Latin America and the Caribbean. Get the invitation and Watch the virtual event!

STATEMENTS: Read the statement of the United Nations Secretary-General on International Day of Rural Women 2024; October 15th.

UN Women statement for the International Day of Rural Women 2024; October 15th.

The International Day of Rural Women recognizes the critical roles and contributions of rural women, including Indigenous women, in enhancing agricultural and rural development, improving food security and nutrition, and eradicating rural poverty. These are vital for protecting and securing our common future. The 2024 International Day of Rural Women invites all stakeholders to celebrate rural women’s essential role in building climate resilience, conserving biodiversity, and caring for the land.

Members of SCOCCOMAD, Cameroon, pose for a group photo near a section of their cassava crop in December 2018.

There is much to protect against and to restore. Climate change, biodiversity loss, and land degradation have had significant impacts on the rights, resilience, and resources of rural women and girls. UN Women’s latest research estimates that globally, under a worst-case scenario, climate change may push up to 158 million more women and girls into poverty and 236 million more women and girls into food insecurity by 2050. Ecosystems, natural resources, and livelihoods are being depleted, and rural women’s ability to safely secure resources, such as healthy food, clean energy, and water, has diminished. Clean cooking fuels and technologies remained out of reach for nearly half of the world’s rural population (45.6 per cent) in 2022 and 1.8 billion people worldwide still rely on supplies off-premises for their drinking water. It is primarily women and girls who remain responsible for collecting biomass like wood for heating and cooking, and for collecting water in seven out of ten households.

It is time to promote rural women’s livelihoods, leadership, rights, and resilience as set out in the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action ahead of its 30th anniversary next year. In doing this, we need to scale up investments, especially in rural areas, including in access to electricity and piped water systems. These are critical to alleviate women’s and girls’ unpaid care and domestic workloads and to support their daily work of building communities and restoring ecosystems.

It is equally urgent that we eliminate the discriminatory laws and practices that impede rural women’s rights to land and natural resources as has been called for in the Convention on the Elimination of all forms of Discrimination against Women. Despite the fact that rural women nurture life on the planet, their control over the land they cultivate is restricted or denied, while they earn just 82 cents for every dollar earned by men in agricultural production. These inequalities are compounded by women’s limited access to infrastructure, services, and social protection, which restricts their ability to bounce back from environmental shocks.

Let us replicate high-level commitments such as the Inter-American Decade for the Rights of All Women, Adolescents and Girls in Rural Settings of the Americas and the African rural women’s mobilization of the Kilimanjaro Initiative across all regions of the world to ensure that no rural woman is left behind.

And as we speed towards the three Rio Convention Conferences of the Parties this year, let us unite in promoting rural women’s rights, amplifying rural women’s voices, and taking concrete action to support their indispensable role in forging a more equitable, just, and sustainable world for all people and the planet.

Sunday 13 October 2024

International Day for Disaster Risk Reduction 2024; October 13th.

International Day for Disaster Risk Reduction 2024

FORUM: “Empowering the next generation for a resilient future.International Day for Disaster Risk Reduction 2024. Increasing disasters, many of them driven and exacerbated by climate change, threaten the well-being of children and youth. According to UNICEF, approximately one billion children worldwide are at extremely high risk due to climate impacts, including climate-related disasters. In 2022, the number of children affected by flooding in Chad, Gambia, Pakistan and Bangladesh was the highest in over 30 years . Beyond the risk of death and injury, children in the aftermath of a disaster face cascading impacts such as disruptions in schooling, nutrition, and healthcare and protection issues. To protect children from disasters, countries must consider their vulnerabilities and needs when designing national and local disaster risk reduction strategies. It is equally important that children and youth be empowered and provided “the space and modalities to contribute to disaster risk reduction,” as called for in the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction 2015-2030. This also aligns with the calls to action of the Political Declaration of the Midterm Review of the Sendai Framework, which called for “the full, equal, meaningful and inclusive participation” of youth and the promotion of "a culture of disaster prevention.” Empowering children, especially through education, can enable them to protect themselves and to become agents of change in their families and communities by sharing what they learned. This is particularly relevant in the context of the global push to expand early warning systems under the UN Secretary-General’s Early Warnings for All initiative. To achieve the goal of the Sendai Framework of reducing global disaster risks and losses, the theme of the International Day for Disaster Risk Reduction (IDDRR) 2024, which falls on 13 October, will highlight the role of education in protecting and empowering youth for a disaster-free future. The theme is aligned with the Summit of the Future, planned for September 2024, where ‘youth and future generations’ will be one of its five priorities. The observance of the International Day for Disaster Risk Reduction 2024 calls on countries to harness the education sector to reduce the disaster risks of school-aged children, especially by investing in two key areas: 1. Protect children and youth through safe schools and education facilities: children are entitled to be safe in their schools and this starts with ensuring schools are disaster-resilient and are part of disaster early warning systems. 2. Empower children and youth to be safe through age-appropriate education to understand and act on the risks they face. This includes building their preparedness to take early action in response to early warnings. Empowered children become agents of change for more resilient communities. 3. Endorse and implement the Comprehensive School Safety Framework 2022-2030 , developed by the Global Alliance for Disaster Risk Reduction and Resilience in the Education Sector (GADRRRES), which is chaired by UNESCO and UNICEF. Follow the conversation with the hashtags: #ResilienceForAll, #DRRday, #13October, #SendaiFramework, #DisasterRiskReduction, #AreYouReady24, #SafeChildrenSafeSchools.

Empowering the next generation for a resilient future.

EVENTS: On October 13th, a webinar will be held to mark the International Day for Disaster Risk Reduction 2024. Partners are encouraged to publish and share success stories around the calls to action. Examples include: • Publicizing national endorsements of the Comprehensive School Safety Framework. • The retrofitting or construction of schools to be resilient to disasters. • Insertion of disaster risk reduction and climate change adaptation in school curricula. • School-organized disaster evacuation drills. • Creation of engaging learning materials and activities, such as cartoons, comics, competitions, songs or films, aimed at educating children about disaster risks. • Teacher-led demonstrations of the UNDRR-created ‘Stop Disasters’ video game.Get the list of Upcoming events!

Activities for kids: See the latest materials including children's books, textbooks, lesson plans, activities, games, and online resources on disaster prevention and school safety. Explore materials!

Colouring Pages: These colouring pages can be printed and used in pedagogical activities with children to raise awareness on disaster preparedness. Print and color!

Interactive maps: Explore the most Significant Disasters, Earthquakes, Tsunamis, and Tropical Storms!

PUBLICATION: This guide “Engaging Children and Youth in Disaster Risk Reduction in Resilience Building.” offers specific advice on implementing a feasible, people-centered approach to supporting and engaging children in disaster risk reduction and resilience-building. Read the guide!

The UNDRR has released the results of the 2023 Global Survey on Persons with Disabilities and Disasters, which is the first global look at how persons with disabilities perceive current national and local disaster risk reduction measures since 2013.


Climate disasters are hurting countries and economies like never before.

Ever-rising greenhouse gas emissions are supercharging extreme weather events across the planet.

I saw first-hand the devastation unleashed by the recent floods in Pakistan.

These increasing calamities cost lives and hundreds of billions of dollars in loss and damage.

Three times more people are displaced by climate disasters than war.

Half of humanity is already in the danger zone.

The world is failing to invest in protecting the lives and livelihoods of those on the front line.

Those who have done the least to cause the climate crisis are paying the highest price.

Entire populations are being blindsided by cascading climate disasters without any means of prior alert.

People need adequate warning to prepare for extreme weather events.

That is why I am calling for universal early warning coverage in the next five years.

Early warning systems – and the ability to act on them – are proven life-savers.

This is shown clearly by a new report today from the World Meteorological Organization and United Nations Office of Disaster Risk Reduction.

The report reveals that such services are woefully lacking for those who need them most.

At the COP27 climate conference in Egypt, I will launch an action plan to provide early warning systems for all within five years.

I urge all governments, international financial institutions and civil society to support it.

This new report is yet another reminder that real and concrete action on loss and damage must be global priority.

Delivering on loss and damage at COP27 will be an important litmus test for rebuilding trust between developed and developing countries.

On this International Day for Disaster Risk Reduction, I call on all countries to invest in early warning systems and support those who lack capacity.

Extreme weather events will happen.

But they do not need to become deadly disasters.

UN Secretary-General António Guterres.

For this year's International Day for Disaster Risk Reduction, we are calling on countries to do more to protect and empower children and youth through education.

First, we have to ensure that every single school that is built - in our efforts to achieve universal education - every single school that is built has to be built in a manner that it can withstand disasters that are likely to occur in the areas that they are built. And where we already have schools, we have to begin to retrofit them so that they can withstand the hazards that they are exposed to.

The second ask we have is that all children must have access to the best possible information and knowledge on different aspects of disaster risk management.

They should be aware of the hazards that they are exposed to.They should be fully equipped with knowledge to deal with those hazards to keep themselves safe in the face of those hazards and take this message home to their families as well so that they can challenge their parents.

They can challenge their elder ones.To invest in resilience, to be aware of the risks that they are exposed to and to take necessary steps.

The third ask we have is that all countries endorse the Comprehensive School Safety Framework 2022 to 2030, which supports the implementation of the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction.I would like all countries to sign off on that program and make sure that by 2030 we have 100% coverage in terms of school safety across the world if we do that, we will be really acting with a sense of responsibility towards ourselves, towards our society and towards our future generations.

UNDRR head Mr. Kamal Kishore.

LIVESTREAM: GAR Special Report 2024 - The Disaster Forensic Approach.

Friday 11 October 2024

International Day of the Girl Child 2024; October 11th.

FORUM: "Girls’ vision for the future." International Day of the Girl 2024. This year’s theme conveys both the need for urgent action and persistent hope, driven by the power of girls’ voices and vision for the future. Today’s generation of girls is disproportionately affected by global crises of climate, conflict, poverty and pushback on hard won gains for human rights and gender equality. Too many girls are still denied their rights, restricting their choices and limiting their futures. Yet, recent analysis shows that girls are not only courageous in the face of crisis, but hopeful for the future. Every day, they are taking action to realize a vision of a world in which all girls are protected, respected and empowered. But girls cannot realize this vision alone. They need allies who listen to and respond to their needs. With the right support, resources and opportunities, the potential of the world’s more than 1.1 billion girls is limitless. And when girls lead, the impact is immediate and wide reaching: families, communities and economies are all stronger, our future brighter. It is time to listen to girls, to invest in proven solutions that will accelerate progress towards a future in which every girl can fulfil her potential. Together with state governments and civil society partners, the UNICEF envisions a world where girls have space to shape government policy and spending to inform the rules and norms by which businesses should operate, and to direct the priorities for new research and innovations. These examples should not be novelties, but the norm. Participate to the IDG global platform to advocate for the full spectrum of girls’ rights. Follow the conversation with the hashtags: #GirlchildDay, #11october, #InternationalDayoftheGirlChild.

EVENT: In recognition of the gaps in the full realization and protection of girls' rights, and in light of commitments made for girls in the Beijing Platform for Action's landmark Section L- The Girl-Child almost 30 years ago, this year's International Day of the Girl event will focus on the theme of Girls' Vision for the Future. 

Agenda Programme
Artistic Performance - Step Team from Boerum Hill School for International Studies
Welcome & Opening
Townhall Part I - Girl Advocates 
  1. How can girls in all their diversity be encouraged and included to participate in all aspects of society, including education, economic opportunities, and civic engagement?
  2. What practical measures can be implemented to ensure the safety and wellbeing of girls both online and offline?
  3. How can mental health education and support for girls become a global priority for governments?
Townhall Part II - Open questions from the floor
Closing Remarks and Video

Contributing to the collective path forward to ensure all girls everywhere are able to thrive, the 2024 Girls' Speak Out at UNHQ will provide an opportunity for girls to hold direct dialogue with Member States and UN Agencies through a girl-led town hall discussion hosted by the Working Group on Girls and Sponsoring Partners: The Permanent Mission of Canada, The Permanent Mission of Türkiye, The Permanent Mission of Perú, UNFPA, UNICEF, and UN Women. Watch the Livestream!

Statement of the United Nations Secretary General on the International Day of the Girl Child 2024; October 11th.

The potential of the world’s more than 1.1 billion girls is limitless. But as we creep closer to the 2030 deadline for the Sustainable Development Goals, the world continues to fail girls.

Girls account for more than 70 percent of new adolescent HIV infections. They are almost twice as likely as boys to miss out on education or training. And child marriage remains widespread, with approximately one in five girls globally married before the age of 18. Across the world, hard-won gains for gender equality are being erased by a war on the fundamental rights of women and girls, endangering their lives, restricting their choices, and limiting girls’ futures.

The theme of this year’s International Day of the Girl Child is ‘Girls’ Vision for the Future’.

Girls already have a vision of a world where they can thrive. They are working to turn that vision into action, and demanding their voices be heard. It is high time we listened. We must provide girls with a seat at the table, through education, and by giving them the resources they need and opportunities to participate and lead.

The courage, hope and determination of girls are a force to be reckoned with. It is time for the world to step up and help transform their vision and aspirations into reality.

António Guterres

LIVESTREAM:  Girls' Vision for the Future - International Day of the Girl 2024.

Thursday 10 October 2024

World Mental Health Day 2024; October 10th.

FORUM: “It’s time to prioritize mental health in the workplace.“ World Mental Health Day 2024. Voices of the workplace is an initiative that aspires to provide a platform to unite diverse communities worldwide through lived experiences, solution-focused plans, action-oriented ideas, and impactful narratives. This year, under the World Mental Health Day 2024 theme ‘Its Time to prioritize Mental Health in the Workplace’, we aim to highlight the importance of mental mental health. Share your stories, solutions, and actionable ideas on how workplaces can better support mental well-being. The campaign is dedicated to advocating for mental health within the workplace. Our objective is to engage a global audience—including employees, employers, organizations, and stakeholders—in grassroots advocacy to promote mental well-being at work. We aim to highlight the essential role of mental health in professional environments, advocating for workplaces where mental health is prioritized, protected, and promoted. The WHO continues to work with its partners to ensure mental health is valued, promoted, and protected, and that urgent action is taken so that everyone can exercise their human rights and access the quality mental health care they need. Follow the conversations with the hashtags: #WMHD, #10October, #MentalHealth, #WorldMentalHealthDay.

EVENTS: On October 10th, a webinar will be organized to mark the World Mental Health Day 2024 to promote awareness of Mental Health in people all over the world. We invite all stakeholders to join the movement towards global mental health awareness and change. Have a glance at the different events and initiatives being conducted by stakeholders across the world that are featured under the ambit of the Global WMHD Campaign 2024. Our world is filled with different challenges and one person, one organisation cannot tackle them alone. Let’s embrace the power of collaborative action to help raise global mental health awareness. Explore the Worldwide events!

EXHIBITS: Embrace the power of expression through our Voices of the Workplace and Express through Arts initiatives, as we endeavor to illuminate a plethora of narratives and experiences. Lean more about the exhibits!

STATEMENTS: Read the statement of the WHO Director General on World Mental Health Day 2024. the statement of the Mental Health, Brain Health and Substance Use department Director, the message from the President of the World Federation for Mental Health on World Mental Health Day 2024; October 10th. The WFMH Secretary-General statement, the WFMH President elect, the WFMH Immediate Past President, the WFMH Regional Vice President Africa and the WFMH Director at Large.

Tuesday 8 October 2024

World Post Day 2024; October 9th.

FORUM: “150 years of enabling communication and empowering peoples across nations.“ World Post Day 2024. Today, more than 5 million postal employees are entrusted with a variety of essential and personal items, from messages, gifts and goods, to money and medicines. This trust has been cultivated through a steadfast commitment to safety and security. Posts have tirelessly worked to improve the safety of roads, providing training programmes for delivery drivers, and implementing security measures to keep dangerous goods out of the supply chain, safeguarding workers and customers alike. Furthermore, during times of disasters or conflicts, Posts have extended a helping hand, organizing supplies and emergency services for those in need; often, they are the first to assist in these situations. Posts can leverage this existing trust-based relationship to help bridge a gap facing billions: the digital divide. By connecting their expansive physical network to the digital sphere, Posts are embarking on a massive digital transformation to offer secure online services in this Fourth Industrial Revolution. The UPU has been a dedicated partner in building a safe and connected global network that serves nearly eight billion people each day with modern and secure services, and it is a key part of this transformation. It’s time to bring awareness to the Post's role in the everyday lives of people and businesses, as well as its contribution to global social and economic development. Follow the conversation with the hashtags: #UPUCongress, #WorldPostDay, #PostalDevelopment #9October.

EVENTS: October 9th, The World Post Day 2024 Global Celebration will be held at UPU Headquarters in Geneva, Switzerland. As a result, the UPU's member countries are encouraged to organize their own national activities to celebrate the event, including everything from the introduction or promotion of new postal products and services, to the organization of open days at post offices, mail centres and postal museums. Countries will participate in the UPU International Letter-Writing Competition, and the national winners will be announced. To mark the 150th anniversary of the Universal Postal Union, the UPU will held a high-level event to focus on the theme “150 years of enabling communication and empowering peoples across nations“. Get the agenda Programme!

As we celebrate 150 years of the Universal Postal Union (UPU), we recognize its importance as one of the earliest examples of multilateralism. Founded with the goal of creating a unified postal system, the UPU has brought together countries to support global communication, cultural exchange, and access to essential services. What started with 22 nations now includes 192 member countries, showing the strength of international cooperation.
Over the years, the UPU has adapted to challenges like wars, crises, and rapid technological changes. It has remained a strong symbol of global unity, ensuring communication is accessible to everyone, especially the most vulnerable.
Today, the UPU leads efforts to modernize and improve postal services. It provides a space for countries to share knowledge, find new solutions, and address modern challenges. The UPU's spirit of cooperation helps turn obstacles into opportunities, making sure postal services evolve with the changing world.
Where once we viewed the rise of digital communication and the decline in traditional mail volumes as a threat, we now see a wealth of possibilities. The UPU's extensive network has adapted to support a broader range of services – including e-commerce, financial, social and digital services – ensuring inclusive access for people worldwide, including in the most remote areas in order to leave no-one behind.
Instead of viewing competition as a challenge, the UPU welcomes partnerships with a wide range of stakeholders. This inclusive approach strengthens our ability to address global challenges, like climate change, which requires cooperation across borders.
As we look to the future, the UPU’s mission remains clear: to connect and empower people around the world. By staying committed to multilateralism, innovation, and inclusivity, the UPU will continue to support global communication and serve future generations for the next 150 years.

Director General of the UPU International Bureau.

COMMUNICATION MATERIALS:Member countries can choose to produce stamps including stamp sheets, first day covers, and cancellations using the new World Post Day design. To facilitate the production, technical sheets and open files are provided in several languages. Many postal administrations are issuing special souvenirs such as Notebooks, Mugs T-shirts and badges. Explore the World Post Day 2024 poster in EnglishFrenchArabicPortugueseRussianSpanishChinese. Get the communication materials!

150th anniversary of the Universal Postal Union


Sunday 6 October 2024

World Habitat Day 2024; October 7th.

FORUM: "Engaging Youth to Create a Better Urban Future." World Habitat 2024. By 2050, cities are projected to host approximately 70% of the world’s population, highlighting the pressing need for inclusive urban planning and sustainable development. Currently, youth in the global South make up 70% of cities population. Despite global efforts, the United Nations acknowledges persistent challenges in advancing the Sustainable Development Goals and the New Urban Agenda for economic resilience and transition to a more sustainable urban future, especially in the areas of poverty, inequality, and the looming threat of climate change. These and other issues pose significant obstacles to the equitable growth and resilience of urban areas worldwide. Mobilizing support from all segments of society is crucial, with a particular emphasis on engaging the youth. Empowering youth and involving them in urban decision-making is essential for developing inclusive and resilient cities. By harnessing the energy, creativity, and perspectives of youth, cities can work towards more sustainable and equitable development, ensuring a brighter future for all. The Objectives of this year celebration are to Recognize the transformative potential of youth in shaping sustainable urban futures, to Highlight and celebrate successful initiatives and contributions by youth to urban development, to Facilitate dialogue and collaboration among stakeholders towards sustainable urbanization and to Highlight and showcase the importance of actively involving youth in urban planning and development processes as well as in the development of public policies. Follow the conversations with the hashtags: #WorldHabitatDay, #UrbanOctober, #HousingattheCentre, #Right2Housing, #MindtheGap, #LeaveNoOneBehind, #adequatehousing.

EVENTS: On October 7th, in Querétaro, Mexico, from 09:40 to 18:35 PM will be hold the High-Level Opening Ceremony of the Global Observance of the World Habitat Day 2024, under the theme "Engaging Youth to Create a Better Urban Future.". This event aims to address the challenges and opportunities of rapid urbanization by focusing on the active involvement of young people in shaping sustainable cities and communities. World Habitat Day presents a unique opportunity to celebrate the contributions of youth to sustainable urbanization while addressing the challenges of rapid urban growth. The event will start with a Press conference (12:30 - 13:15); followed by the Youth Dialogue (11:10 - 12:10), the launch of the World Habitat Day exhibition, several Thematic roundtables and panel discussions (15:00 - 17:50) and the Closing ceremony (18:00 - 18:35). Get the draft Programme of the World Habitat Day 2024!

Thematic roundtable 1: Youth power – Leading the charge against climate change. Objective: To highlight the pivotal role of youth in addressing climate change challenges within urban environments and fostering sustainable practices. Watch it on X tv Broadcast!

Thematic roundtable 2: Moving forward – Youth-driven solutions for sustainable urban mobility. Objective: To highlight the essential role of young people in promoting innovative solutions to improve urban mobility and create more sustainable and accessible urban environments, to reduce private car dependency and CO2 emissions. Watch it on X tv Webcast!

Online registration ends on Saturday, 05 October 2024 at 18:00 (UTC-06:00, Mexico time). Register for WHD, explore the Programme and the WHD Information for participants.

From 8 to 10 October 2024; The “Beyond Agenda 2030” event, hosted by the Urban Development and Public Works Secretariat of the State of Querétaro, Mexico, in collaboration with ONU-Habitat Mexico and the federal government of Mexico. It will take place following the World Habitat Day 2024 celebration in Queretaro. It will be the first global event to put into perspective the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and their relevance to 2030. It proposes to continue dialogue and collaboration among various local and global entities and to provide a platform for formulating solutions and strategies that lead to sustainable urban development and the implementation of the global development agenda. Tune up to watch it!

Upcoming Events: The Global Event Management System, GEMS, is UN-Habitat's innovative and user-friendly event management platform. It offers a one-stop solution to attend an event, submit and manage an event application and much more.

From 4–6 December 2024 in Nairobi, Kenya, will be organized the Second session of the Executive Board in 2024. Register to participate! 
From 9–11 December 2024 in Nairobi, Kenya, will be held the Intergovernmental Expert Working Group on Housing. Register to participate!

Reach out for more information about and assistance with GEMS unhabitat-events@un.org

SCROLL OF HONOUR: UN-Habitat, the United Nations agency focusing on sustainable urbanization, has launched nominations for its prestigious Scroll of Honour Award 2024. Nominations closed on 17 May 2024 and five winners have been selected. The Executive Director of UN-Habitat will select up to five winners following recommendations by a panel of experts and leaders in sustainable urbanization. The winners will receive the UN-Habitat Scroll of Honour Award – a plaque engraved with the winner’s name – at the global celebration of World Habitat Day in Querétaro City, Mexico, on 7 October 2024. In selecting the winners, UN-Habitat will consider best practices, initiatives, and innovative solutions contributing to the achievement of Sustainable Development Goal 11 on sustainable cities and communities. Special attention will be given to how initiatives, practices, or individuals align with the topic of World Habitat Day 2024 of “Engaging youth to create a better urban future,” which will explore how new generations can be engaged in planning their urban present and future through participatory processes and local leadership opportunities. For a full list of eligible nominees and application details including how to nominate, click here, or register your nomination here. The winners will receive their awards at the global observance of World Habitat Day. Get the Guide of UN-Habitat Scroll of Honour Award 2024!

PUBLICATIONS: Read the Brochure of Preparation of World Habitat Day 2024 by the Governing Bodies of the UN-Habitat and the guidelines on how the UN-Habitat's work with civil society.

STATEMENTS: Read the statement of the United Nations Secretary-General on World Habitat Day 2024 and the message of UN-Habitat Executive Director on World Habitat Day 2024, October 7th.


Global Observance of World Habitat Day 2024 

Roundtable: Indigenous youth's role in sustainable urbanization - Beyond the 2030 Agenda (Querétaro, Mexico).

"Beyond Agenda 2030" proposes to continue dialogue and collaboration among various local and global entities and to provide a platform for formulating solutions and strategies that lead to sustainable urban development and the implementation of the global development agenda.

Moderator: David Santiago Mayoral Bonilla, Ashoka Mexico, Central America and the Caribbean Youth and Transformative Education Leader
Speaker: Mactzil Ixtz'unun Camey Rodríguez, Founder of the Tuxinem Collective, Guatemala.
Speaker: Sutton King, Executive Director and Co-founder of Urban Indigenous Collective, USA.
Speaker: Darisuren Azbayar, Youth Advisory Board Member of UN-Habitat and Chief Executive of GerHub, Mongolia.OSpeaker: Emma Stevens, Indigenous Activist and Artist, Canada.
Speaker: Emma Stevens, Indigenous Activist and Artist, Canada.

Friday 4 October 2024

World Teachers' Day 2024, October 5th.

FORUM: “Valuing teacher voices: Towards a new social contract for education.World Teachers’ Day 2024. Across the globe, in various high- and low-income countries alike, the value conferred on the teaching profession is commonly perceived to be low and even in decline. UNESCO and the International Teacher Task Force’s recently published Global Report on Teachers (2024) rang the alarm on a global shortage of teachers and massive growth in teacher attrition rates. These findings are somewhat unsurprising given the breath and multidimensionality of the challenges facing the profession. Among other factors, poor working conditions, uncompetitive remuneration, and heavy workloads deter teachers from entering or staying in the profession. Beyond the material conditions of teaching, there are also symbolic factors adding to the plight of teachers such as a lack of social recognition, low professional autonomy, and little influence in decision-making. Ignoring the voice of teachers has negative effects on both teacher status and motivation, and on the effectiveness of teacher programmes and overall education policy. Recent crises, including the COVID-19 pandemic, that disrupted education and caused schools to close confirmed that, if given the space and autonomy necessary, teachers can actually make educational decisions and even develop innovations that ensure learning and student wellbeing. Towards a new social contract for education Teachers carry out research, adapt pedagogies, prioritize curricular content, assess progress and contextualize, personalize education in the classroom, and engage in decision-making in their classrooms. Yet, despite the central role of teachers and the potential of their participation in the improvement of education, few countries engage in genuine teacher consultations and social dialogue processes with social partners in significant ways. The ILO/UNESCO Recommendation concerning the Status of Teachers (1966) states that there should be close cooperation between governments, teacher organizations, cultural, learning and research institutions to define education policy and its precise objectives. For instance, evidence shows that high unionization levels are associated with positive outcomes across multiple indicators of economic, personal, and democratic well-being, as well as for teacher professionalization and policy advocacy. For this to happen, mechanisms for dialogue and teacher participation are needed. Allowing teachers' voices to be heard requires, among other things, developing a culture of trust and collaboration and fostering autonomy and academic freedom, a culture where teachers are respected and valued both inside and outside the classroom. As stated in the Report of the International Commission on the Futures of Education, for the transformation of education teachers must be at the centre, and their profession revalued and reimagined as a collaborative endeavour, sparking new knowledge to bring about educational and social transformation. This requires a new social contract with teachers, whereby national governments, trade unions, development partners, civil society and teachers themselves invest in the strengthening of social dialogue structures and processes to achieve this end successfully. Social dialogue is defined as all types of negotiation, consultation or simply exchange of information between, or among, representatives of governments, employers and workers, on issues of common interest relating to economic and social policy. One of the main objectives of social dialogue is to give workers a voice in decisions affecting them, thus promoting consensus building and democratic involvement at work. In education, this implies promoting collaboration and respecting the formation of teacher organizations to protect teachers’ interests as a fundamental right, respecting their professional freedom, and encouraging the active participation of individual teachers in deciding a range of professional issues including curricula, pedagogy, student assessment and organization of education within schools. There are several approaches to build capacity in social dialogue such as the development of cooperation and collaboration frameworks; formalized processes, principles, and mechanisms designed to facilitate continuous and constructive interactions among key stakeholders in education, with the goal of addressing and resolving issues that have direct impact on the work of teachers, like remuneration and working conditions, but also in areas where their first-hand knowledge of educational communities, their dynamics, problems, needs and aspirations may illuminate education programmes, national policies and global agendas. The UN High-Level Panel on the Teaching Profession (2024) has actually recommended social dialogue as a means to address recent transformations in education, including the use of technologies, the regulation of private providers, the promotion of gender equality, greening education or teaching for entry into the world of work. Strengthening social dialogue processes and structures within education systems and among teachers’ organizations positively contributes to building teachers’ sense of ownership of educational policies, which is key for their implementation. This in turn is important for the appreciation and overall status of a profession which should feel respected and entrusted with the important task of shaping present and future generations. Beyond policy, recognizing teachers’ voices and their autonomy as independent and innovative professionals is key to enhance their capabilities to drive significant educational change through collaborative and critical exploration of teaching, learning, and schooling. Teachers as researchers engage in professional development and stay updated with current research trends, applying evidence-based teaching practices. Teachers as community developers engage with parents, students and stakeholders in educational decision-making processes, enhancing the overall relevance and quality of education. Furthermore, teachers adopting a reflective voice that critically examines social, cultural, and political issues affecting their educational contexts may become advocates for equity and social justice. They challenge systemic inequalities and empower themselves and students to become agents of change, across various platforms and through diverse communication channels. Given the perceived decline in the status of the profession, a new social contract in education that advances a collaborative approach among teachers, founded on social dialogue and the values it espouses, will boost teachers' professional status thus making the profession more attractive and sustainable. In other words, a new social contract Programme in education is key towards the aspirations of the SDGs. Follow the conversation with the hashtags: #InvestInTeachers, #WorldTeachersDay, #5October.


EVENTS: On October 4th, at UNESCO Headquarters conference room I. from 09:30 to 07:30 pm (Paris time, GMT+2) will be held the World Teachers' Day 2024 and UNESCO-Hamdan Award Ceremony. This year's celebrations will emphasize the pivotal role that teachers play in shaping the future of education and the urgent need to incorporate their perspectives into educational policy and decision-making processes. The day will begin with an opening ceremony led by UNESCO’s Director-General, featuring messages from the co-convening agencies: the International Labour Organization (ILO), UNICEF and Education International. This will set the stage for a series of discussions and activities centered around enhancing the role of teachers and recognizing their contributions to education. The event will include the awarding ceremony of the Eighth edition of the UNESCO-Hamdan Prize for Teacher Development and a panel discussion where teachers will share their insights and experiences. The discussions will emphasize the importance of teachers' participation in decision-making processes and the need to create a dignified and respected teaching profession. Concluding the day’s celebrations, UNESCO will host the avant-première of the film Apprendre, previously shown at the Cannes Film Festival. Interpretation will be available in French, English, Spanish, Arabic and Portuguese. Register to participate! and watch the livestream!

Agenda Programme - World Teachers' Day 2024, October 4th.
Celebrations’ kick-off, UNESCO HQ, Foyer Room I.
8:45 – 9:15 Registration, coffee and networking in the Foyer of Room I
Official Opening Ceremony, UNESCO HQ, Room I
9:30 – 10:00 Welcoming remarks
• Stefania Giannini, Assistant Director-General for Education, UNESCO
• Oliver Liang, Head, Public and Private Services Unit, ILO
• Pia Rebello Britto, Global Director of Education and Adolescent Development, UNICEF (video)
• Mugwena Maluleke, President, Education International
10:00 – 10:20 Framing of the importance of teacher voices by Carlos Vargas, Chief of the Section for Teacher Development, UNESCO
Keynote address: Valuing Teacher Voices: A new social contract for education, by Prof. Lis
Lange, University of Stellenbosch, South Africa, and Chair of the Jury of the UNESCO-Hamdan Prize on Teacher Development.
10:20 – 11:10 Teachers have their say Teachers have their say, on stage in the public and around the world, including the screening
of the Teacher Task Force video from the #TeachersMissing global advocacy campaign.
11:10-11:20 Conclusion
Closing remarks by Borhene Chakroun, Director, Division for Policies and Lifelong Learning Systems, Education Sector, UNESCO.
Awarding Ceremony of the UNESCO-Hamdan Prize for Teacher Development, Room I
11:20 – 12:30 Welcoming remarks
• Stefania Giannini, Assistant Director-General for Education, UNESCO
• His Highness Sheikh Rashid Bin Hamdan Bin Rashid Al Maktoum, President of the
Hamdan Foundation for Medical and Educational Sciences
Awarding ceremony
• Presentation of the Finalists by the Prize Jury members
• Awarding of the three Laureates of the UNESCO-Hamdan Prize for Teacher
Development and recognition of the International Jury
Closing remarks and afternoon logistics
Lunch, Restaurant 7th floor
12:45-14:15 High-level lunch (attendance by invitation only)
Q&A Session with the UNESCO – Hamdan Prize finalists, Room IV
15:00 – 16:15 A Q&A session with the ten UNESCO–Hamdan Prize finalists sharing insights on their projects.
Movie screening, Room I
16:30 – 19:00 Preview screening of Apprendre
• Welcome by Anna Ruszkiewicz, Project Officer, Section for Teacher Development,
UNESCO, and presentation by the director Claire Simon and cast
• Movie screening in French with English subtitles
• Q&A session with the director.

Photo exhibition: To mark the World Teachers’ Day 2024, UNESCO presents an exhibition that celebrates educators from all corners of our planet, recognizing their dedication, passion, and commitment to shaping the future. Delving into a range of topics — from digital transformation and inclusion to lifelong learning and sustainable development — the exhibition offers insights into how UNESCO and its partners champion educators globally. Explore the exhibition!

STATEMENTS: Joint Message from Ms Audrey Azoulay, Director-General of UNESCO, Mr Gilbert F. Houngbo, Director-General, International Labour Organization, Ms Catherine Russell, Executive Director, UNICEF, Mr David Edwards, General Secretary, Education International for World Teachers’ Day, 5 October 2024.

PUBLICATIONS: Read the Teaching requirement policies globally and their implications for monitoring SDG 4 and the Global Report on Teachers 2024: Addressing teacher shortages and transforming the profession. Launched at the 14th Policy Dialogue Forum in Johannesburg on 26 February 2024, the Global Report on Teachers serves as a critical resource for policymakers, educators, and stakeholders dedicated to achieving SDG 4 of inclusive, equitable, and quality education for all. Rooted in a growing solidarity with teachers at the global level, aligned with the recommendations of the UN Secretary-General's High-level Panel on the Teaching Profession and the outcomes of the Transforming Education Summit, the Report seeks to translate these commitments into tangible action by offering actionable recommendations to address global teacher shortages. As we approach the 2030 Agenda deadline, the pivotal role of teachers in achieving Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 4 aiming to ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all has become increasingly apparent. However, a global shortage of teachers is hindering access to education, with a projected deficit of 44 million teachers to achieve primary and secondary universal education by 2030. The result is overcrowded classrooms, diminished teaching quality, and limited learning opportunities, especially in underserved communities. Read the full report!