Tuesday 11 June 2024

World Day Against Child Labour 2024; June 12th.

FORUM: "Let’s act on our commitments: End Child Labour!" World Day Against Child Labour 2024. This year’s World Day will focus on celebrating the 25th anniversary of the adoption of ILO Convention No. 182 on the Worst Forms of Child Labour (1999), which, in 2020, was the first ILO Convention to be universally ratified. While we will call on all remaining member States that have not done so to ratify Convention No. 138, the World Day will also be an opportunity for reminding all stakeholders to improve their implementation of  the two fundamental  ILO Conventions on child labour – ILO Convention No. 182 and ILO Convention No. 138 for Minimum Age for Admission to Employment or Work (1973). While much progress has been made in reducing child labour over the years, recent years have seen global trends reverse, and, now more than ever it is important to join forces to accelerate action towards ending child labour in all its forms. With the adoption of Sustainable Development Goal Target 8.7, the international community made a commitment to the elimination of child labour in all its forms by 2025. Governments around the world have ratified ILO Conventions on child labour (Convention No. 182 ratified by all 187 ILO member States, and Convention No. 138 ratified by 176 member States) and are committed to their implementation. The Durban Call to Action, adopted by delegates following the 5th Global Conference on the Elimination of Child Labour in 2022, shows the way. The ILO, together with its constituents and partners have called for:

  • Reinvigorated international action to achieve social justice, particularly under the envisaged Global Coalition for Social Justice, with child labour elimination as one of its important elements;
  • Universal ratification of ILO Convention No. 138 on Minimum Age, which, together with the universal ratification of ILO Convention No. 182 on Worst Forms of Child Labour achieved in 2020, would provide all children with legal protection against all forms of child labour; and the
  • Effective implementation of the “Durban Call to Action” to ensure universal access to social protection and to help construct a path towards a world free of child labour, as called under SDG Target 8.7, and in SDG Target 1.3.

Why and where do children work?, How did child labor change over time?. Follow the conversation with the hashtags: #WDACL, #SocialJustice, #WorldChildLabourDay; #12June, #EndChildLabour.

Let’s act on our commitments, End Child Labour!

EVENTS: Celebration of the 25th anniversary of the adoption of ILO Convention No. 182. On Wednesday, June 12th from 13:30 until 14:45 (Europe/Zurich) to observe the World Day Against Child Labour 2024, a high-level side event will be organized by the ILO during the 112th Session of the International Labour Conference. The participants will discuss the fundamental Principles and Rights at Work and celebrate the 25 years since the adoption of ILO Convention No. 182. The conference wil also provides an opportunity for tripartite constituents to discuss advances and challenges in relation to the elimination of child labour with the aim to improve implementation worldwide, as well as to promote universal ratification of ILO Convention No. 138. The opening ceremony will start with the Opening Remarks by ILO Director-General and the Nobel Peace Prize Laureate followed by two panels discussions; Panel 1: Eliminating child labour - progress, challenges and the way forward; Panel 2: Partnerships to scale up action, moderated by the Geneva Press Club. Watch the high-level event!

World Day Against Child Labour 2024

ACTIVITIES: Now is the time to make the elimination of child labour a reality. Check out the activities to mark the Wprd Day taking place in your country!; Interested in training;Take a look at upcoming events, which include courses for data users and data producers.

WEBINARS: Towards a Resilient Future: An Inclusive Path to a Child Labor-Free World. To commemorate this year’s World Day Against Child Labor, the U.S. Department of Labor’s Bureau of International Labor Affairs invites you to join us to discuss the crucial intersection of climate change and child labor both in the U.S. and abroad, and the role that each of us—businesses, governments, civil society, and others— can play in accelerating a just transition to a more sustainable, equitable, and dynamic economy free of child labor. Watch the livestream!

Let’s act on our commitments, End Child Labour!

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