Friday 7 June 2024

World Oceans Day 2024; June 8th.

FORUM: "Awaken new depths." World Oceans Day 2024. This year theme acknowledges that while we know little of the ocean compared to its immense vastness, what we do know is that the consequences of our actions are evident throughout its waters – and that human activity is increasingly devastating the ocean as well as placing the survival of our entire blue planet at risk. Join the conversation with the hashtags: #WorldOceansDay, #8june, #OceanFirst.

EVENTS: At UNHQ, an hybrid -event hosted both virtually and in-person will be held on June 8th from 10:00 AM to 13:30 PM EDT to celebrate the United Nations World Oceans Day 2024. The event will take us on a journey of discovery through the ocean's vastness, tapping into the wisdom and expertise of global policy-makers, scientists, managers, thought leaders, and artists to awaken new depths of understanding, compassion, collaboration and commitment for the ocean and all it sustains. The celebration is hosted by the Division for Ocean Affairs and the Law of the Sea of the Office of Legal Affairs (DOALOS) in partnership with Oceanic Global

Schedule: Depths of Commitment. 

10:00 AM - Opening Remarks & Performance.
10:25 AM - Planetary Boundary Keynotes.
10:50 AM - Depths of Understanding: Science & Wisdom Fireside Chat. 
11:15 AM - Depths of Compassion: New Depths Spotlights 
11:50 AM - Winners Announced: Photo Competition. 12:05 PM - Musical Performanc. 
12:10 PM - Depths of Collaboration: Blue Economy Panel. 13:00 PM - Closing Remarks & Performance. 

World Oceans Day 2024 Celebration

PUBLICATION: Issued three times a year, the Bulletin provides cogent and timely information on issues related to the Convention on the Law of the Sea - ‘the constitution for the ocean’ - and contains the most recent legal materials relevant to the law of the sea. It includes national legislation, bilateral agreements and multilateral treaties as well as information on decisions of the International Court of Justice, arbitral tribunals and other dispute settlement procedures. Law of the Sea Bulletin - Current Issue.

Awaken new depths


Advancing the united nations world ocean assessment - Supporting future ocean sustainability and informing decision making and oceans policy.

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