Friday 5 July 2024

International Day of Cooperatives 2024; July 6th.

FORUM: "Cooperatives Building a Better Future for All." International Day of Cooperatives 2024. Cooperatives generate decent work, practice gender equality and provide strong opportunities for youth. We innovate and connect users, producers and consumers, in a responsible, supportive and inclusive manner. We manage resources in a transparent and democratic way, putting communities in control of their capital We take care of ecosystems, because the environment and people, They are at the center of our socio-business model We promote positive peace, because the cooperative economy is synonymous with harmonious relations between peoples. For all this and much more, cooperatives build a world better for all people. This July 6th let's take advantage of our Day to boost this global recognition in different countries on all continents. For the journey to 2025, proposed by the United Nations as the International Year of Cooperatives, let us take the call of the UN to the states to support our model, as we continue to build a sustainable world in social, economic and environmental matters. Together with the more than one billion members of three million cooperatives on all continents, let's show how we are transforming the societies we live in, day by day. On July 6th, the cooperative movement will celebrate the Day. The worldwide cooperatives will have the opportunity to showcase their current and historical contributions to building a sustainable future, accelerating efforts to implement the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) by 2030. Learn more on how Cooperatives help to move forward the United Nations 2030 Agenda and make SDGs a reality. Follow the conversation with the hashtags: #coops4sdgs, #CoopsDay, #6july, #Sustainability, #Cooperatives.

EVENTS: This year’s, we will mark the 30th International Day of Cooperatives recognized by the United Nations and the ICA event celebration will celebrate the 102nd International Cooperative Day. Through the Day, local, national, and international policymakers, civil society organisations and the public in general can learn about the contribution of cooperatives to a just and sustainable future for all. The International Cooperative Alliance (ICA) invites cooperators everywhere to spread the word about the Agenda 2030. For this year observance, cooperatives can showcase their high standards for inclusive and sustainable growth, and service as stewards for protecting the environment and fighting climate change. Through democratic governance and shared ownership, cooperatives set an example for peace and stability, bringing people from diverse backgrounds together on equal terms, and fostering understanding and respect. Hundreds of cooperative events occur annually around the world. Check the worlwide map of the events and Register to participate!

In New York; On 9 July, the UN Committee for the Promotion and Advancement of Cooperatives will host a soft-launch hybrid event of the UN International Year of Cooperatives 2025 at the UN Headquarters. Get more infos on the Soft-Launch Event for the IYC2025 to celebrate 2024 CoosDay!

In India, New Delhi, The organizers will host “cooperators from around the world” to kick-off the 2025 International Year of Cooperatives. The conference theme, Cooperatives Build Prosperity for All, celebrates cooperatives as people-centred, purpose-led and progress-driven enterprises. Register to participate!

STATEMENTS: Statement of the President of the International Cooperative Alliance (ICA), Mr. Ariel Guarco on the International Day of Cooperatives 2024.

LIVESTREAM: Watch the UN DESA International Day/International Year of Cooperatives!

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