Wednesday 17 July 2024

Nelson Mandela International Day 2024 July 18th.

FORUM: "It’s still in our hands to combat poverty and inequity." Nelson Mandela International Day 2024. Madiba encouraged every individual to take responsibility and be the change they want to see. One area we can bring about positive change is through our fight against climate change which is impacting numerous areas of life including food security. Today and every day, Let us find hope in Nelson Mandela’s example and inspiration in his vision; Let us honour Nelson Mandela’s legacy by taking action: By speaking out against hate and standing up for human rights. By embracing our common humanity – rich in diversity, equal in dignity, united in solidarity and by making our world more just, compassionate, prosperous, and sustainable for all. Follow the conversations with the hashtags; #MandelaDay, #Itisinyourhands, #18july.

EVENTS: At UNHQ NYC, on July 15th, from 17:00 p.m to 21:00 p.m. EDT; The United Nations General Assembly will mark the Nelson Mandela International Day 2024 with an informal plenary meeting at the United Nations Trusteeship Council Chamber. The speakers are H.E. Mr. Dennis Francis, President of the General Assembly; H. E. Ms. Amina J Mohamed, Deputy Secretary General of the United Nations; H.E. Mr. Richard Allen Stengel, Editor, Author and Former United States Under Secretary of State for Public Diplomacy and Public Affairs and Mrs. Sabrina Elba, Philanthropist & IFAD Goodwill Ambassador. Read the agenda programme and Watch the livestream!

Commemorating Nelson Mandela

At the Randall’s Island in NYC on July 18th, the annual volunteer event in honour of Nelson Mandela will take place on Randall’s Island. Volunteers will remove invasive plants and introduce new native plantings. The volunteer activity was a collaboration co-organized by the NYC Mayor's Office for International Affairs, the United Nations Department for Global Communications, the Office of the President of the United Nations General Assembly, and the Permanent Mission of South Africa to the United Nations. In partnership with Randall’s Park Alliance. Get the flyer to Learn more about the ‘‘Volunteering for #MandelaDay’’ activities.

Statement by H.E. Mr. António Guterres, Secretary-General of the United Nations, on Nelson Mandela International Day 2024; July 18th.

Nelson Mandela showed us the extraordinary difference one person can make in building a better world.

And as the theme of this year’s Nelson Mandela International Day reminds us – combatting poverty and inequality is in our hands.

Our world is unequal and divided.

Hunger and poverty are rife.

The richest one per cent are responsible for the same quantity of planet-wrecking greenhouse gases as two-thirds of humanity.

These are not natural facts. They are the result of humanity’s choices. And we can decide to do things differently.

We can choose to eradicate poverty.

We can choose to end inequality.

We can choose to transform the international economic and financial system in the name of equity.

We can choose to fight racism, respect human rights, combat climate change, and create a world that works for all humanity.

Every one of us can contribute – through actions large and small.

I join the Nelson Mandela Foundation in urging everyone to perform 67 minutes of public service on Nelson Mandela International Day – one minute for each year he fought for justice.

Together, let’s honour Madiba’s legacy and turn our hands towards building a better world for all.

United Nations Secretary-General.

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