27 August Seminar | 15.45 to 18.45: The UN International Year and World Water Day 2013: Water Cooperation" The UN International Year 2013 and the World Water Day, 22 March 2013, will be devoted to the theme of Water Cooperation. The Seminar will officially launch and introduce the preparations for both, the Year and the Day, and will allow participants to exchange their views and perspectives on the essence of water cooperation. Seminar | 12.00 to 13.45: Tracking National Financial Flows to Sanitation, Hygiene and Drinking-water UN-Water GLAAS proposed a standard approach for tracking national financial flows for sanitation and drinking-water. It is proposed that this method be globally tested in 2012/13 and then used as the methodology to collect the GLAAS 2014 financial data. Participants will discuss how it could be further developed and adopted. Read more on GLASS
28 August Side event | 17.45 to 18.45: UN-Water project on the "Safe Use of Wastewater in Agriculture" Wastewater is a resource in urban and peri-urban areas which can alleviate pressure on (fresh) water sources and improve food security. To ensure that its use is safe, national policies and strategies need to be in place. This UN-Water capacity development project brings together expertise in UN agencies to focus on the issue.
30 August Seminar | 9.00 to 12.30: "Drinking Water, Sanitation and Hygiene – Preparing the Next Generation of Goals, Targets and Indicators" Current global monitoring of drinking-water and sanitation does not provide a detailed assessment of service coverage, nor covers hygiene. JMP and partners are developing post-2015 indicators taking into account the Human right to water and sanitation. The seminar will present first results and invite participants to contribute.