Saturday 14 September 2024

International Day of Democracy 2024; September 15th.

FORUM: "Navigating AI for Governance and Citizen Engagement." International Day of Democracy 2024. The strength of democracy lies in its ability to embrace and balance differences to serve society as a whole. Diversity is a source of resilience, adaptability and creativity. But it can also be exploited for political gain by polarising opinion and deepening divides. Socio-economic, gender, ethnic, generational and other inequalities fuel divisive rhetoric and trigger electoral choices which make democracies increasingly fragile. Follow the conversations with the hashtags: #InternationalDayofDemocracy, #15September, #DemocracyDay.

International Day of Democracy 2024


EVENTS: On September 15th, the International Day of Democracy 2024 will be observed worldwide.

On September 10th from 11:00-12:00 EST; You are invited to join the United Nations Democracy Fund, the United Nations Office for Partnerships for a special event entitled "Navigating AI for Governance and Citizen Engagement" in conference room 8 at the UNHQ. This dynamic discussion will bring together diverse voices from civil society, academia, and the United Nations to explore the role of artificial intelligence in promoting and defending good governance and active citizen participation. Panelists will discuss how AI can enhance key democratic principles such as access to information, participation, and inclusion, while also addressing the risks it brings. The event is held in partnership with UNDP, UNESCO, and UNODC. Get the Invitation, the concept note and Watch the livestream!

From 6-8 November 2024; The 12th World Forum for Democracy will take place in Strasbourg (France). This year, the theme is "Democracy and Diversity - Can we transcend the divides?". In a year during which around one half of the world’s population has been called to the polls, the 2024 edition of the World Forum for Democracy will address the critical threats posed by disinformation and divisive political narratives around diversity, including in the context of election campaigns. The Forum will focus on how electoral processes may inadvertently crystallise societal divides and provide fertile ground for populism to flourish. In light of the urgency of this challenge, the Forum will explore ways of raising understanding among citizens of the risks posed by populism for their fundamental rights and freedoms. To achieve this, the Forum will feature inspirational talks by thought leaders. Analytical labs will challenge proposed new solutions and identify ideas worth spreading. Moreover, the Forum will actively foster the creation of networks and communities of practice, serving as incubators for turning ideas into action. The main axes for the 2024 edition will be: (1) Elections and value divides. (2) Unraveling the web of disinformation. (3). Citizen engagement for democratic renewal. Read the concept note and the agenda programme and register to participate!

PUBLICATIONS: The EIU’s 2023 Democracy Index sheds light on trends in democracy globally in 2023, as war and conflict spread across the globe, reinforcing existing negative trends in many countries. The annual index, which provides a snapshot of the state of global democracy, registered a decline in its total score from 5.29 in 2022 to 5.23. The increasing incidence of violent conflict has badly dented the global democracy score. Read the publication.

The Global State of Democracy Indices (GSoD Indices) measure democratic trends at the country, regional and global levels across a broad range of indicators democratic performance across the years 1975–2023. They do not provide a single index of democracy. They include data for 174 countries across the globe. The GSoD Indices are based on 165 individual indicators devised by various scholars and organizations. Read the Global State of Democracy Indices

Explore the progress on the SDGs at Halftime and the regional and multi-country projects developed by the UNDF.

Statement from the United Nations Secretary General on the occasion of the International Day of Democracy 2024; September 15th.

The International Day of Democracy is an opportunity to reinforce the importance of upholding free speech, civil liberties, and the rule of law; ensuring accountable institutions; and protecting and promoting human rights.

This is especially crucial in a year where more than 50 countries – representing half of the global population – are holding elections.

Yet, these rights and values are under attack around the world. Freedoms are being eroded. Civic space is diminishing. Polarization is intensifying. And mistrust is growing.

This year’s Democracy Day focuses on Artificial Intelligence as a tool for good governance.

Left unchecked, the dangers posed by artificial intelligence could have serious implications for democracy, peace, and stability. This can start with the proliferation of mis- and disinformation, the spread of hate speech and the use of so-called deepfakes.

Yet, AI has the potential to promote and enhance full and active public participation, equality, security, and human development. It can boost education on democratic processes, and shape more inclusive civic spaces where people have a say in decisions and can hold decision-makers to account.

To seize these opportunities, it is critical to ensure effective governance of AI at all levels, including internationally.

The inclusive and geographically diverse High-Level Advisory Body on Artificial Intelligence has released a report with recommendations on how to harness the benefits of AI while mitigating the risks.

The message is clear: AI must serve humanity equitably and safely.

This month’s Summit of the Future offers a crucial opportunity to strengthen international cooperation, build trust, and safeguard current and future generations.

On this International Day of Democracy, let’s keep working to build a more inclusive, just, and equal world.

United Nations Secretary-General.

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