Thursday 12 September 2024

United Nations Day for South-South Cooperation 2024; September 12th.

FORUM: "A Better Tomorrow with South-South Cooperation." United Nations Day for South-South Cooperation 2024. Development impacts of robust catalytic collaboration among the countries of the Global South in the areas of trade, health, investment, debt relief, regional integration, and digitalization, among others, are being highlighted by Member States in various fora. Global discussions – including the BAPA+40 High-level Conference on South-South Cooperation, the 21st Session of the High-level Committee on South-South Cooperation, and recently at the Third South Summit, the High-level Ministerial Conference on Middle-Income Countries, and the 4th International Conference on Small Island Developing States, among others – have recognized the urgent need to leverage South-South cooperation more strategically to address the challenges the world is facing more effectively. By harnessing the power of shared experiences, knowledge, and resources, countries can enhance their capacity to address the impact of climate change, ensure inclusive development, and secure a sustainable future for all. In Our Common Agenda, the United Nations Secretary General underlined solidarity among countries as necessary prerequisites for developing collective breakthrough solutions and ensuring the delivery of equitable benefits that leave no one behind. South-South cooperation as a manifestation of solidarity among developing countries has been hailed as an important development cooperation modality. To address those challenges that transcend or spill over borders, and to respond to the knock-on impact of interconnected crises that cascade through immediate geographic areas, South-South cooperation at the regional level will be even more crucial to strengthen such solidarity. Due to their proximity in geography, common experiences, complementarity in economic conditions, as well as in history, language, culture and ethnicity, South-South cooperation at the regional level will enable countries to leverage individual assets for mutually beneficial efforts, make available to peers directly relevant home-grown solutions for collective gains, and strengthen solidarity around emerging trends that greatly influence the prospects and development pathways of neighbors and the region as a whole. At this halfway point to 2030 and as we head to the Summit of the Future, this year’s observance will be an opportunity to take stock of progress and highlight opportunities and challenges for South-South cooperation, as well as emerging trends. It is also an opportunity to go deeper across regions, and capture how South-South cooperation has evolved and helped achieve regional as well as global goals and aspirations, with the view of helping chart pathways to a more inclusive and sustainable future. Through leveraging South-South and triangular cooperation – as envisioned in the outcome of the Second High-level United Nations Conference on South-South Cooperation (BAPA+40) – there is an opportunity to address both immediate and long-term needs together, supporting countries to get back on track towards achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals. Follow the conversations with the hashtags: #12september, #SouthSouth, #TriangularCooperation, and #SouthSouthCooperation.

A Better Tomorrow with South-South Cooperation.

On the United Nations Day for South-South Cooperation, we celebrate the transformative power of unity and solidarity among developing nations.

We remember that only together can countries leverage multilateral support and realise shared prosperity.

South-South cooperation does not reduce the responsibility of wealthier nations to help tackle global inequalities. It does not replace North-South cooperation.

But strong South-South partnerships – along with triangular cooperation – are crucial to building a better future for all.

These partnerships can advance a fairer, more inclusive global financial system that responds to the challenges faced by developing countries.

They can help unlock the power of digitalization, data, and science-backed solutions for sustainable development.

They can help improve the quality of life today and for future generations, building resilience and empowering women and young people.

The Summit of the Future in September is an opportunity to reaffirm our commitment to South-South and triangular cooperation, embracing solidarity and mutual support

By pooling resources, know-how, and experience, we can create a more equitable world for all.

António Guterres

EVENTS: On September 12th, from 10:00 am - 1:00 pm; A High-level Panel Discussion to mark the United Nations Day for South-South Cooperation 2024 will be held in the ECOSOC Chamber at the United Nations Headquarters in New York. The week of the United Nations Day will be an opportunity to spotlight transformational South-South cooperation actions and efforts that have been made by Member States, the UN System, private sector, and civil society toward addressing the most acute priorities in achievement of the 2030 Agenda. Get the concept note, register to participate and watch the livestream!

High-level Panel Discussion

Agenda Programme of the United Nations Day for South-South Cooperation 2024.
- Mr. Mehboob Khan, Chief, UN News-Hindi Service (Session Facilitator)
- Ms. Dima Al-Khatib, Director of the United Nations Office for South-South Cooperation
Keynote Messages
- Mr. António Guterres (video message); United Nations Secretary-General
- H.E. Mr. Philemon Yang of Cameroon (TBC); President of the 79th Session of the UN General Assembly
- H.E. Mr. Peter Mohan Maithri Pieris; Permanent Representative of Sri Lanka, President of the 21st Session of the High-level Committee on South-South Cooperation
- H.E. Mr. Adonia Ayebare (TBC); Permanent Representative of Uganda, Chair of the Group of 77
- Mr. Achim Steiner; Administrator of the United Nations Development Programme, BAPA+40 Secretary-General
- Ms. Rabab Fatima; High Representative for the Least Developed Countries, Landlocked Developing Countries and Small
Island Developing States
- Ms. Thilmeeza Hussain; Director, Regional Commissions New York Office Voices from the South Video (2.5min)
Interactive Discussion
Floor is open for messages of Member States, regional entities, and other partners
- Ms. Dima Al-Khatib; Director of the United Nations Office for South-South Cooperation.

Key Messages on behalf the United Nations Day for South-South Cooperation 2024.
 Mobilizing international solidarity and global partnerships through South-South and triangular
cooperation can accelerate SDGs achievement.
 We must take stock of progress, accelerate efforts to meet our existing international commitments, and highlight opportunities and challenges for South-South cooperation toward building a better tomorrow for the people of the Global South, home of most of humanity.
 Member States in various fora – including the BAPA+40 High-level Conference on South-South Cooperation, and recently at the Third South Summit, the High-level Ministerial Conference on
Middle-Income Countries, and the 4th International Conference on Small Island Developing States, among others – have recognized the urgent need to leverage South-South cooperation more strategically to address the challenges the world is facing more effectively.
 By harnessing the power of shared experiences, knowledge, and resources – through South-South and triangular cooperation – countries can enhance their capacity to address the impact of climate change, ensure inclusive development, and secure a sustainable future for all.
 Driven by an economically empowered Global South, South-South and triangular cooperation can pave the way towards a more inclusive and sustainable economic development landscape, one in which all stakeholders and beneficiaries are meaningfully engaged.
 South-South and triangular cooperation presents an opportunity for building capacity and resilience development in the fight against interrelated crises.
 The Global South has something to bring to the table – all countries regardless of the level of development have something to offer in sustainable development.
 South-South regional cooperation is a pillar of global solidarity on which the future of peace, prosperity and a healthy planet must be based.
 UNOSSC’s South-South Galaxy features over 950 solutions from over 190 countries and 600 partner organizations – providing access to a rich repository of South-South and triangular cooperation good practices, knowledge products and data from around the world.
 UNOSSC new South-South and Triangular Cooperation Solutions Lab is an innovative and scalable solutions incubator offering a comprehensive range of services, including focused research, capacity development, solution incubation, and integration support.

Other Commemorative Events:

9 Sept. 2024 - Launch of the new South-South Galaxy online platform. Presentation to the Group of 77 and China.

10 Sept. 2024 - Rome-based Agencies UN Day Event Hosted by Brazil. More information.

12 Sept. 2024, 10:00-12:00 Indochina Time / Bangkok - UNESCAP Event: Multilateral Solutions for a Better Tomorrow. More information.

16 Sept. 2024 - International Day of Science, Technology and Innovation for the South. More information.

20 Sept. 2024, 09:45-11:00AM - UN Summit of the Future Side-Event: Accelerating SDG Progress through Triangular Cooperation Financing at the 304 East 45th Street, 11th Floor (Doha Conference room). More information.

26 Sept. 2024, 3:00-4:30PM - UN Summit of the Future Side-Event: Just, Equitable Financing and Solidarity for Climate Action: South-South and Triangular Cooperation Pathways to the SDGs Organized by UNOSSC, in partnership with the OPEC Fund for International Development (OPEC Fund) and the President of the High-level Committee on South-South Cooperation at the 304 East 45th Street, 11th Floor (Doha Conference room). More information

26 Sept. 2024 - UN General Assembly Side-Event: Advancing Strategic Alliances – Leveraging Private Sector Strength in the Global South (Global Advocacy Dialogue Series – Dialogue Two);Organized by Islamic Development Bank Group (IsDB) and UNOSSC at the 304 East 45th Street, 11th Floor (Doha Conference room).
From 9:30-11:00 – High-level Panel Discussion; and from 11:00-12:30 – Technical-level Ideas Foundry Session; More information coming soon.

PUBLICATIONS: The 2023 Report of the Secretary-General on Progress towards the Sustainable Development Goals ’reminds us that it will take exceptional efforts and commitments to deliver a “rescue plan for people and planet.” The task ahead is daunting, but still possible. Unlocking the potential of South-South cooperation offers hope for concerted action and results.

LIVESTREAM  A Better Tomorrow with South-South Cooperation.

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