Saturday 7 September 2024

International Day of Clean Air and Blue Skies 2024; September 7th.

FORUM:“Invest in #CleanAirNow.“ International Day for Clean Air and Blue Skies 2024. This year’s theme underscores the economic, environmental and health benefits of investing in clean air. Collaboration with the United Nations member states, the development organizations, the international and regional organizations, the private sector, and civil society organizations is crucial to reducing pollution and improving air quality. Access to a healthy environment is a human right. By shifting to renewable energy, adopting clean cooking, transforming global transport and food systems, and more, we can work to overcome air pollution and promote clean air for all. Investment is urgently needed for Clean Air Now. Learn about some innovators who are helping the world breathe fresher air. Follow the conversations with the hashtags, #7september; #WorldCleanAirDay, #CleanAirNow.

Invest in #CleanAirNow.

EVENTS: On September 7th; to mark the 5th annual International Day of Clean Air for Blue Skies, Participants will focus on the urgent need for stronger partnerships, increased investment, and share responsibility for overcoming air pollution. Air pollution, indoors and outdoors, directly impacts human and ecosystem health. We all share and breathe the same air; thus, we all have a responsibility to protect our atmosphere and ensure healthy air for everyone.

International Day of Clean Air for blue skies 2024


WEBCASTS: Watch the Climate and Clean Air Coalition webinar to mark the International Day of Clean Air for blue skies 2024 and explore the calendar of upcoming meetings and events.

From 22-23 May 2024 - The Annual meeting of the Joint Task Force on Health Aspects of Air Pollution will be held. As recognized in the Declaration of the Seventh Ministerial Conference on Environment and Health, the Task Force will play an important role in supporting the implementation of Conference commitments on air quality, climate change and health, by providing a platform to exchange knowledge and information. The agenda covers international policies and processes for air quality and health, WHO tools for health risk assessment of air pollution (AirQ+ and CLIMAQ-H), progress in research on air quality and health, and relevant experiences in Member States. Other agenda items will address air pollution, climate change and health, and communicating on air quality and health. Presentations will include updates on the ongoing revision of the European Union Directive on ambient air quality and cleaner air for Europe, information about the Second Global Conference on Air Pollution and Health in 2025 and the contribution of the Task Force to the regional Science and Policy Snapshots, and the use of behavioural and cultural insights for environment and health. Participants will also review current activities of the Task Force workplan for 2024–2025 and discuss the next steps for implementation.

Statement from the U.N. Secretary General on the International Day of Clean Air for blue skies 2024; September 7th.

Ninety-nine per cent of humanity breathes polluted air – leading to an estimated 8 million premature deaths – including more than 700,000 children under five.

Pollution is also choking economies and heating up our planet, adding fuel to the fire of the climate crisis. And it disproportionally affects those most vulnerable in society, including women, children, and older persons.

Yet pollution is a silent killer that can be stopped.

Investing in clean air requires actions by both government and businesses – to phase out fossil fuels, strengthen air quality monitoring, enforce air quality standards, boost renewable energy, transition to clean cooking, build sustainable transport and sustainable waste management systems, clean up supply chains, and reduce harmful emissions, including methane.

It is also critical to put a price on carbon.

At the same time, development organizations, financial institutions and philanthropies can redirect financial capital behind clean air technologies to tackle the triple planetary crisis.

Above all, we must work together at the regional and global levels.

Investing in clean air saves lives, combats climate change, strengthens economies, builds fairer societies, and advances the Sustainable Development Goals.

On International Day of Clean Air for Blue Skies, let’s invest now so we can breathe easy knowing we are securing a healthier planet for all.

António Guterres.

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