Saturday 21 September 2024

World Rivers Day 2024; September 22nd.

 EVENTS: We wanted to let you know that events across the globe are now being finalized in preparation for World Rivers Day, set for Sunday, September 22, 2024 (as always, falling on the fourth Sunday in September). More than 100 countries will be participating this year across 6 continents, in what has become one of the planet’s biggest environmental celebrations. The events being organized are incredibly diverse and will be either physical or virtual in nature. The types of river-related celebrations and events that can take place are limited only by our imagination. There will be a huge number of small-scale, stream cleanups that are being promoted and encouraged around the globe by World Rivers Day. Many of these will be organized by families, neighborhoods and communities.

 Many exciting larger events will also take place. As just a small sampling:

 In Canada

 In British Columbia, the Outdoor Recreation Council will spearhead the massive BC Rivers Day event, with activities ranging from the British Columbia Institute of Technology’s (BCIT) Guichon Creek Day on September 18 

 an annual estuary cleanup and planting event organized by the Seymour Salmonid Society to  the Pacific Salmon Foundation’s very successful Salmon Spotting Campaign 

 the massive Riverfest event organized by the Fraser River Discovery Center in New Westminster, September 28-29 

 the Vedder River Cleanup Society will be hosting their massive annual cleanup of the Vedder/Chilliwack Rivers 

 organized by Sunshine Coast Streamkeepers Society will be enhancing the riparian area by planting native plants by Robertson Creek 

 just as Cougar Creek Streamkeepers and BC Wildlife Federation in Delta will be focusing on the Blake Creek interpretive walk, installation of flexi-baffles in culvert and weirs and restoration planting of adjacent Bates Ravine 

 the annual Paddle the Fraser River event organized by Hope Mountain Centre between Hope and Agassiz with voyageur canoes and kayaks 

 and the BC Watershed Security Coalition and Rivershed Society planning the same on the stretch from Fort Langley to Coquitlam 

 Blue Ecology is doing a public talk and art display at Berwick in Qualicum Beach 

 as well as the Burnaby Village Museum celebration along Deer Lake Brook 

Find more events happening in BC - Events Collection — Outdoor Recreation Council of BC.

 In Toronto, Ontario, the Toronto and Region Conservation Authority (TRCA) celebrates “The Adventure of Salmon” through interactive displays showcasing the salmon migration, various species and life cycle and the work that has been done to help them thrive 

 while in Caledon the Coalition for the West Credit River will celebrate with live stream links to Brook Trout in the West Credit River 

 in Alberta the public is invited to join Smoky Lake County, the North Saskatchewan Watershed Alliance, and the Canadian Heritage Rivers System celebrating the designation of the North Saskatchewan River as a Heritage River and to raise the Treaty 6 and Metis flags at the Victoria District National Historic Site monument 

 while The Red Deer Chapter of the Council of Canadians, the Red Deer River Naturalists, and Red Deer Polytechnic will present a series of events such as semi-virtual symposium featuring presentations from a wide array of resource experts and stakeholders concerned about future water security in the Red Deer River basin and beyond 

 and in Quebec to mark World Rivers Day and the importance of protecting rivers, the Fondation Rivières is organizing a major two-part event with a festive evening and a generous gourmet buffet and a 10km paddle on the Rivière du Nord Across the United States, many interesting, diverse, and significant activities will be taking place. As just a few examples; 

 the Great Works Regional Land Trust in Maine, is holding a “Wild and Scenic Film Fest” focusing on Water Tales  in Chicago, Illinois, the renowned river group, Friends of the Chicago River is organizing the 5K "Race for the River" on Saturday, September 21 

 the California Institute of Environmental Design and Management in Arcadia, California, is organizing a cleanup of rainwater/greywater harvesting systems near the Santa Anita Wash, among so many others from coast to coast! 

 in Utah, south of Salt Lake City, the Jordan River Festival will be taking place 

 in California, American Whitewater is preparing to hold its annual Feather River Fest commencing on the 27th. It is one of the country’s premier paddling events. 

 while in New York, the Hudson River Valley Rambles will unfold through the month including on World Rivers Day 

 in Rhode Island the Narrow River Preservation Association is organizing their annual family science and exploration event with a hands-on exploration of fish, shellfish, crabs and other inhabitants of Narrow (Pettaquamscutt) River 

 while in Alexandria, Potomac Riverkeeper Network is inviting people to their fundraiser boat parade and after party 

 and in Pittsburgh the River Alchemy Project is inviting people to their World Rivers Day celebration 

Meanwhile on the other side of the globe in Europe

 Piublu in Italy presents “We Can Blu It” a huge collective action with the theme, "Together We Clean the Rivers". In concert with the European Parliament, the Italian Rowing Federation and so many other partners, they are organizing both an Institutional Round Table in Rome, as well as major cleanups on the Tiber River in Rome, the Arno in Florence, the Po in Turin, and the Lago Patria north of Naples among other cities across the country 

 also in Italy the National Institute for Environmental Protection and Research (ISPRA) is bringing awareness through story telling walk about the Riverine Fresh Water Mussels and the publishing on line of the National Riverine Litter Report for the Marine Strategy 

 while the Hydra - Museo Multimediale Cascata delle Marmore in Terni, Italy will be organizing conferences, workshops, cultural walks, and lectures aimed at reconnecting people emotionally and physically with waterways 

 the esteemed cruising company, the Prague Institute for Planning and Development along with Creative Prague are planning a one-day festival in the Czech Republic (Get to Know the Vitava River)

  the acclaimed river cruise company, Uniworld, will be celebrating World Rivers Day on the continent’s great rivers 

 in Podgorica, Montenegro, the groups, EuroNatur Foundation and Save the Blue Heart of Europe are organizing the Balkan River Summit from September 29 to October 3rd

 In southern Poland, the Bielsko-Biala Team will be starting their “Rivers Reclaimed” initiative as they launch their application for the title of European Capital of Culture 

 While in Great Britain, The Rivers Trust is asking everyone to get outside and spend 15 mindful minutes by a river, recording what they see in the free Big River Watch citizen science survey app

  the Thames Festival Trust has once again organized the massive Totally Thames event that will take place throughout September in the run-up to WRD, while there will also be a number of smaller events including a Thames litter cleanup headed by GB Head Marine 

Many events will also take place in Africa, ranging from Tanzania - to Botswana - to South Africa. 

As examples: 

 In Kericho, Kenya, the group Transfo Green World will be undertaking the restoration of the Kipchorian River by planting trees and bamboo along 25 kilometers of riverfront 

 while in Nairobi, Kenya the Small Axe Environmental CBO in partnership with Eco-Train a network of local groups under Ubunifu Hub, are organizing a Gatharaini River riparian cleanup bamboo growing and advocacy on the importance of rivers while the Amazing Kiddoz Fun organizing a commemoration of all the children and families who were swept away by the flash floods from a river that was blocked by an artificial dam 

 In Nigeria a 5-day events of River Ethiope Festival will take place with activities such as youth boat rally, student debates, community river clean up/tree planting, cultural dances/drama, advocacy visits and lecture to mark the 4th annual stakeholders’ declaration of Rights of River Ethiope known as "Abraka Declaration 2020" 

The list goes on and on with many events in other countries such as Australia and New Zealand. 

For example:  Starting in Sydney, with the Parramatta River Catchment Group’s annual Riverfest celebrating the Parramatta River and surrounding creeks and environment 

 in Bicton, through interactive sessions with scientists from the Department of Biodiversity, Conservation and Attractions, Murdoch University, BirdLife and the WA Fairy Tern Network, participants will gain insight into three different fields of work related to the Riverpark 

 the Australian River Restoration Centre raising awareness for Australia’s Waterways through a variety of initiatives. 

 And from the good work of the International River Foundation in Brisbane Australia

  to restoration planting at Baynons Brake in the Waimakariri River Regional Park in New Zealand organized by Environment Canterbury 

 also on World Rivers Day people are invited by Friends of Awa Matakanakana to bring their own kayaks, stand up paddle boards, waka ama, and motorised dinghies to join a social tiki tour of the river.


 In India river cleanups are organized by Save Jalangi at Krishnagar Biswarjan Ghat on the banks of the Jalangi River, as well as seminar & community awareness program in Ranaghat, while the ICAR-Indian Institute of Soil and Water Conservation (ICARIISWC) will raise awareness to the significance of rivers on the day of World River Day. Events will also unfold from the great advocacy and awareness efforts of the Bangladesh River Foundation through the impressive efforts of river advocates on the nature island of Dominica to the leading efforts of academics and river advocates in Taiwan

As a final example, the United Nations will be officially gearing up for the launch of its glacier year 2025 to highlight the all important link between glaciers and rivers, and or water resources in general

The world rivers day organization is proud to be one of its many official supporters. Clean fresh water has never been more important and World Rivers Day is a timely opportunity for millions of people worldwide to come together to celebrate the importance of healthy, vibrant waterways

We are excited to, once again, be working with the Pacific Salmon Foundation as a gold sponsor and a widely respected organization dedicated to the conservation and restoration of wild Pacific salmon. Also, as a gold sponsor, is the Sitka Foundation, a wonderful organization that catalyzes the protection of the environment and the promotion of biodiversity. Another key sponsor is the Real Estate Foundation of BC which has provided valued support over the last several years. We also remain thankful to the International River Foundation, based in Brisbane, along with our other valued supporters such as United Nations University, International Network on Water, Environment and Health, United Nations Water Action Decade, Outdoor Recreation Council of BC,, and Hope Mountain Centre for Outdoor Learning. V

Visit the website at to Find out more about World Rivers Day, and please let us know about any activities you may organize. they can help with your promotions via our website, as well as with e-mails like this one. 

Last year, river enthusiasts from around the world came together to make World Rivers Day a great success, with millions of people participating in thousands of events in over 100 countries. World Rivers Day also has its roots in the incredible success of BC Rivers Day in British Columbia, Canada, which has been underway since 1980.

 Promoting River Stewardship 

World Rivers Day is a celebration of the world's waterways. It highlights the many values of rivers and strives to increase public awareness and hopefully encourage the improved stewardship of rivers around the world. Rivers in every country face an array of threats, and only our active involvement will ensure their health in the years ahead. 

Join the Celebration! 

World Rivers Day organizers encourage all of you to come out and participate. In particular, consider starting a Rivers Day event of your own, which might range from a stream cleanup to a community riverside celebration to an online forum. 

If you create an event, be sure to tell us about it! 

We'll keep you posted in the months ahead as new Rivers Day activities are announced. 

International Partners

 World Rivers Day is intended to complement the broader efforts of the United Nations water-related programs, including the earlier Water for Life Decade initiative as well as the United Nation’s current Water Action Decade. We also look forward to continuing to work with groups such as the United Nations University and the International Network on Water, Environment and Health which were very supportive in launching World Rivers Day back in 2005. 

Special thanks to our World Rivers Day partners and sponsors: Pacific Salmon Foundation - gold sponsor Sitka Foundation - gold sponsor Real Estate Foundation of British Columbia International River Foundation United Nations University International Network on Water, Environment and Health Outdoor Recreation Council of BC (coordinator of BC Rivers Day) Hope Mountain Centre for Outdoor Learning United Nations Water Action Decade 

To find out more about water issues, and how to get involved with World Rivers Day, visit the websites below for more information. The World Rivers Day, the BC Rivers Day, the  United Nations University - International Network on Water, Environment and Health, the United Nations Water Action Decade.

 Yours truly, Tunde Murphy, WRD Communications

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