Saturday 25 May 2024

Africa Day 2024; May 25th.

FORUM: “Educate an African fit for the 21st Century: Building resilient education systems for increased access to inclusive, lifelong, quality, and relevant learning in Africa. Africa Day 2024. Education is the foundation for individual success and a prosperous Africa. We call upon all stakeholders across all sectors to join us in this transformative journey. Join us in celebrating Africa Day and shaping the future of education in Africa! In line with the AU theme of the year "Education Fit for the 21st Century," engage in discussions, share your ideas, and help us transform education across all our social media platform. Here's how you can participate: Share your thoughts and ideas on how education can be transformed to meet the needs of the 21st century; To Highlight educational initiatives and programs that are making a difference in your community or country. To Discuss the importance of education in driving socio-economic development and creating opportunities for all Africans. Follow the conversations with the hashtags: 25May, #AfricaDay, #YearofEducation, #Agenda2063.

EVENTS: Celebrations at the United Nations. The theme for Africa Day 2024 will focus on women in agriculture. The objectives are to Explore the intersection between women's rights and agriculture; to Showcase the potential and promise of Africa, and highlight the positive narrative of the continent; To Recognize developments and advancements in Africa from 1963 to the present; To Inspire and empower women in leadership in agriculture, as well as related sectors; To Bring attention to and popularize the Sustainable Development Goals, particularly goal 2 (Zero Hunger), the goal 5 (Gender Equality) and the goal 9 (Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure), in tandem with Africa Agenda 2063; To Create and formulate solutions, initiatives and opportunities for achieving a better, more equitable world, where no one is left behind. On Saturday 25th May 2024; starting at 17:00hrs (GMT+3) at Adwa Victory Memorial, Addis Ababa; The Maisha Dance festival entitled "The Power of Art to Unite," will celebrate the vibrant cultures of Africa and the European Union through the universal language of dance. This event is a unique opportunity to honor Africa Day and highlight the shared values of unity, diversity, and cultural exchange. Read the festival information! On February 17, 2024, the UNESCO was invited to the official launch of the AU's 2024 theme in Addis Ababa, during the Heads of State and Government Summit.

Statement of the United Nations Secretary-General on the occasion of Africa Day 2024, May 25th.

On Africa Day, we celebrate this dynamic and diverse continent and the contributions of Africans to our world. The continent’s young and growing population, its rich natural resources, its breathtaking beauty and cultural diversity give it outsize potential.

Initiatives like the African Continental Free Trade Area and the African Union’s Agenda 2063, along with Africa’s growing voice, including leadership in renewable energy, can help realize that potential.

But a bright future for Africa’s 1.2 billion people means addressing the challenges blocking Africa’s progress — from the effects of climate change to deadly conflicts and unconstitutional changes of government, to hunger, poverty, inequality and crushing debt burdens.

We need to rescue the Sustainable Development Goals. This will require, among other actions, that we reform the international financial architecture so developing countries can access the resources they will need to invest in the future of their people — including strengthening education systems, this year’s African Union theme.

We must work side by side with Africa to build green economies anchored in renewable energy, and ensure that the continent’s critical mineral resources benefit Africans first and foremost.

We must strengthen our collaboration to safeguard human rights, counter terrorism and violent extremism, and — finally — silence the guns across Africa. The UN Security Council’s recent resolution to support African-led peace operations is an important step.

Throughout, Africa must have a seat at every multilateral forum — including the UN Security Council, the international financial system, and other global norm-setting structures. September’s Summit of the Future in New York will be a moment to create momentum and progress.

On Africa Day, let’s renew our pledge to stand with all Africans in their quest to lead their continent — and our world — into a peaceful and prosperous future for all.

LIVESTREAM: Celebration of Africa Day 2024 at UNHQ

Celebrating Innovation, Development, and Culture in Africa.
The UNESCO #AfricaWeek returns in 2024 with a rich and varied program under the theme "Education for Innovation, Development, and Culture in Africa."
African Union & UNESCO on Africa Day 2024.

This annual #event celebrates the cultural diversity of the #Africancontinent and will highlight the importance of education for sustainable development and innovation.
Wednesday, May 22, 2024 - Opening Ceremony ( by invitation only)

The week will kick off on Wednesday, May 22, with a grand opening ceremony in Room I.
will be welcomed from 9:30 AM with African musical ambiance, followed by the arrival of VIPs at 10:10 AM. Introductory remarks will start at 10:40 AM, followed by the screening of a video related to this year's theme. Remarks will include those from the President of the Organizing Committee, the President of the Africa Group, and the Director-General of UNESCO or their representative.

Performances and Exhibitions:The morning will continue with artistic performances at 11:20 AM, followed by the opening of exhibitions and craft stalls, accompanied by a musical interlude in the Pas Perdus, Miro, and Ségur halls.

- Exhibitions, Craft Stalls, Book Fair - 10:00 AM - 5:00 PM in the Miro Room, Pas Perdus Hall, and Ségur Hall.
AfriKids Session: The afternoon will be dedicated to children with the "AfriKids" session from 3:00 PM to 5:00 PM in the Actes Room. This session will include various activities:
- Calligraphy & Creative Painting Workshop
- Special session of African storytelling readings
- Children's/Doll fashion show
- Live Chat & Arts Animations

Live chat: discussions on "Learning for Sustainable Peace: The Role of Culture and Education "- 3:30 PM to 4:30 PM in the Ségur Hall
Live art: musical performances
Dikanza do Semba - 4:45 PM to 5:00 PM in the Ségur Hall
Fashion Show: A fashion show is scheduled from 6:00 PM to 8:30 PM in Room I, showcasing the richness of African fabrics and styles. Eleven countries will participate: Algeria, Ivory Coast, Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), Equatorial Guinea, Guinea, Mali, Morocco, South Africa, Sudan, Togo

Thursday, May 23, 2024 - 

Exhibitions and Book Fair: Exhibitions, book fair, and arts and crafts stalls will continue from 10:00 AM to 5:00 PM.
Conferences: A conference/panel on the theme "How does education contribute to promoting African culture in its diversity?" will be held from 10:00 AM to 12:00 PM in Room IV.
Eminent researchers and personalities will offer their thoughts on the contribution of education to strengthening cultural diversity in Africa. These interventions will be followed by discussions with the public.
Speakers: Professor Dr. KHALED EL-ENANY (EGYPT):
Sub-theme: "Raising young people's awareness of cultural heritage: Egyptian strategies and Egyptian initiatives & quot.
- Dr. SAO OUSMANE (MAURITANIA): University Researcher
Sub-theme: "The importance of cultural diversity in schools: Why and how?
- Dr. AHMED SKOUNTI (MOROCCO): Professor of Anthropology,Cultural Heritage Expert at the Institut National des Sciences de l'Archéologie et du Patrimoine (INSAP),
Rabat: 'Education and Cultural Heritage in Africa: Introductory considerations'.
- Ms AMINATA TRAORE (MALI): Professor of economics and management, President of the association Les Enfants du Djoliba
 'Library is an inclusive space that can become a powerful cultural vector for local communities, especially children.
- Dr. Safiatou DIALLO (GUINEA): Senior Researcher in the UNDP social cohesion project, Founder and President of the Center d'Innovation et de Recherche pour le Développement (CIRD) in Conakry. "How education contributes to the promotion of African African culture in all its diversity".
Moderator: Prof. Cyril MUSILA, Deputy Permanent Delegate of the Democratic Republic of Congo to UNESCO.
Live art: musical performances
- 11:00 AM to 11:30 AM in the Ségur Hall
- 12:00 PM to 12:30 PM with DJ Amapiano France in the Ségur Hall
Live chat: discussions "New pathways in artificial intelligence for African youth and development" - 3:00 PM to 4:00 PM in the Ségur Hall.

Reception-Cocktail: A tasting lunch of typical African dishes will be held from 12:30 PM to 2:30 PM on the Piazza.
Cinema Theme: "Education for Innovation, Development, and Culture in Africa. Film Screenings of African films will take place from 4:00 PM to 8:00 PM in the Cinema Room and Room IV.

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