Wednesday 15 May 2024

International Day of Families 2024; May 15th.

FORUM: “Families and Climate Change: International Year of the Family + 30. International Day of Families 2024. Demographic change is one of the most important megatrends impacting our world and the life and well-being of families worldwide. Demographic trends are mostly shaped by fertility and mortality patterns. Declining fertility rates result in benefits for families as they are more able to invest in their children’s health and education which in turns helps with poverty reduction and better socio-economic development. Research indicates that decreasing fertility also increases women’s labour participation. On the other hand, fertility declines results in smaller families which are less likely to cope with care and other household obligations. As such in time of unemployment or illness, families have fewer members to rely on. Moreover, low fertility rates may undermine labour forces and social structures triggering drastic responses with hard to predict consequences for issues raging from social security to gender equality. This year the day aims to raise awareness of the impact of climate on families. An Interactive discussion will be held for this occasion with audience participation. Follow the conversations with the hashtags #15May; #InternationalDayofFamilies, #globalgoals. #Families, #IYF30, #SDG13,#climateaction, #Demographictrends.

EVENTS: On May 15th, from 10:00 to 11:45 PM (EST) at the UNHQ New York, Conference Room 11, the Observance of the International Day of Families 2024 and the 30th anniversary of the International Year of the Family will be held. The United Nations Department of Economic and Social affairs will organize an event which include presentations from academics, civil society and urban authorities. The Moderator of the session will be Mr. Masumi Ono, Chief of the Social Integration and Participation Branch, Division for Inclusive Social Development, The UNDESA will Launch two background Papers: The first entitled “Climate Change and Families” by Lena Dominelli, Professor of Social Work, University of Sterling, Scotland, United Kingdom (presented by UNDESA) and the second entitled “Home and climate change: Understanding the power of home to transform societies in the face of climate emergency” Presented by Mohamed Gamal Abdelmonem, Chair of Architecture and the Founding Director of Research at the Department of Architecture and the Built Environment, University of York, United Kingdom. The presentations of International Forum on IYF+30 Achievements by the representatives of: The National Population & Family Development Board, Malaysia (LPPKN); The Doha International Family Institute (DIFI); The International Federation for Family Development (IFFD); The Consortium of Family Institutes in Asia (CIFA); The Instituto de Análisis de Política Familiar (IAPF); The National Council on Family Relations (NCFR); The Generations United Regional Council of Veneto Region. Followed by the presentations of the Civil Society Declaration on IYF+30 by the representatives of: International Federation for Family Development (IFFD), the European Federation of Parents and Carers at Home (FEFAF), the European Large Families Confederation (ELFAC) will be presented. Get the IDF2024 programme!

On May 15th at 9:00 PM (EST), from UNHQ, an interactive dialogue entitled “The Family and the Future of Humanity” will be held; The objective of the event is to provide a platform to hear the views of experts in demography, economics, and family policy and their findings on family-oriented policies in view of the Summit of the Future, and to provide an opportunity for Member States and civil society organizations to exchange views on this matter. View the Flyer

Meetings: During the year; The Division for Inclusive Social Development have organized several Expert Group Meeting and consultations with stakeholders concerning the preparations for the IYF+30. In Asia - The Regional Expert Group Meetings entitled ’’Families and Megatrends: Inter-linkages between Migration, Urbanization, New Technologies, Demographic Trends and Climate Change in Asia was organized. In Latin America - The Regional Expert Group Meetings entitled ‘‘Parenting/Care, Family-Work Balance, and Family Policies’’ was held.

On July 24-28, 2024; The 86th annual meeting of the Rural Sociological Society will be held in Madison, Wisconsin, USA at the Madison Concourse Hotel. The meeting will explore the theme of Reconceptualizing Rurality: Toward a More Diverse and Inclusive Understanding. This year, the Program Committee along with several research interest groups (RIGs) planned field trips to help members to explore and engage with the local communities. This year's field trips are: Lovely Leopold, Fabulous Farms, Indigenous Food and Great Tunes & the Symphony Dinner on the Capital Square. Register Here

PUBLICATIONS: Preparations for and observance of the thirtieth anniversary of the International Year of the Family focuses on the analysis of demographic trends and their impact on families. The report of the Secretary-General (A/79/61-E/2024/48)

Resolutions: On the Preparations for and observance of the Thirtieth Anniversary of the International Year of the Family (IYF+30) General Assembly resolution A/RES/78/176 - English | Français | Español | Русский | عربي | 汉语 - General Assembly resolution A/RES/77/191 - English | Français | Español | Русский | عربي | 汉语 - General Assembly resolution– A/RES/76/139 - English | Français | Español | Русский | عربي | 汉语.

LIVESTREAM: The 2024 in-person observance of the International Day of Families aims to raise awareness of the impact of climate change on families and the role of families in climate action. The DESA background paper to be launched at the observance, "Climate Change and Families," stresses that families, as central building blocks of society, have a significant role in achieving the Sustainable Development Goals.

CAMPAIGN: Rethink, reduce, redesign, reuse, repair, refurbish, remanufacture, recycle, repurpose, and refuse.

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