Friday 17 May 2024

World Telecommunication and Information Society Day 2024; May 17th.

FORUM: ‘‘Digital Innovation for Sustainable Development.’’ World Telecommunication and Information Society Day 2024. Building a sustainable future demands innovative thinking and action, especially in the digital world. The celebration of WTISD 2024 is a chance to explore how digital innovation can help connect everyone and unlock sustainable prosperity for all. Innovative tech can help tackle the world’s most pressing challenges, from fighting climate change to eliminating hunger and poverty. In fact, digital technologies can help achieve 70% of targets under the Sustainable Development Goals by 2030. Yet glaring digital gaps hinder innovation in many parts of the world. The lack of policies, investment, and digital skills leaves many countries struggling to keep up in the fast-changing digital landscape. What will the future of digital innovation look like and what role do all of us play? Be part and follow the conversations with the hashtags #DigitalInclusion, #EveryoneIncluded, #wtisd, #17May, #InformationSocietyDay, #TelecommunicationDay, #InnovateForProsperity.

How ITU initiative drive innovation for a sustainable future?

EVENTS: ITU’s 159th anniversary. The World Telecommunication and Information Society Day 2024 will be observed on May 17th at ITU in Geneva. As we commemorate ITU's 159th anniversary, we also celebrate the boundless potential of digital innovation for prosperity. Our hour-long event will bring together digital experts and innovators on a global journey, exploring digital hubs around the world where innovation thrives. Register to participate to the event; Step into the future with us on WTISD on 17 May 2024, broadcasting live from the ITU TV studio in Geneva.

Convening worldwide innovators.

Innovation is a key to accelerate sustainable development.

Ask an ITU Innovation expert; If you have questions about the challenges hindering global innovation? Curious about actionable solutions to overcome these hurdles? Join the ITU Live Q&A on May 10th to learn from ITU Digital Innovation Ecosystem Expert, Mohamed Ba. RSVP

COURSES & TRAININGS: Prepare for future financial services priorities; Investigate the future of FinTech and learn to think strategically about problems faced by real businesses. Apply now!. Share how your digital innovation is helping to build a better future. Submit your innovation story!

ITU initiative promote sustainable innovation

ITU International technical standards support innovation on a global scale

Digital innovation drives economic progress and global development

Partnership and collaboration are at the heart of everything we do.

STATEMENTS: Read the ITU Secretary-General statement on World Telecommunication and Information Society Day 2024, May 17th and the United Nations Secretary-General statement on World Telecommunication and Information Society Day 2024, May 17th.

ITU Secretary-general statement

ITU- Telecommunication

CAMPAIGN MATERIALS: Save the date and join us in the journey to #InnovateForProsperity!

Meaningful digital innovation doesn't happen itself.

World Telecommunication & Information Society Day 2024

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