Thursday 9 May 2024

Time of Remembrance and Reconciliation for those who lost their lives during WWII; May 8-9, 2024.

FORUM: “Observe a minute of silence.” 2024 Time of Remembrance and Reconciliation for those who lost their lives during WWII. The Second World War had a profound impact on the international community, and established the conditions for the creation of the United Nations. This weekend marks the official remembrance of the tens of millions of civilians and soldiers who died during the War. Follow the conversations with the hashtags: #8may, #9may, #WWIIhistory, #MinuteofSilence, #TimeofRemembrance, #RemembranceDay, #VictoryDay, #VEday, #GreatPatrioticWar.

EVENTS: On 8 and 9 May 2024; to mark the anniversary of the End of the Second World War, the United Nations invite the 193 member countries, non-governmental organizations, and individuals, to pay tribute to the victims of the war and participate to high-level talks. A special exhibition relating World War II through photos will highlight the role of the CIS (former Soviet Union) in the defeat of fascism. Explore the Russian state library International events.

The Military Parade will be held on the Red Square in Moscow to commemorate the 79th anniversary of the Soviet victory in the Great Patriotic War.

Speech by the President of Russia at the military parade to commemorate the 79th anniversary of Victory in the Great Patriotic War of 1941–1945 (May 9, 2024).

Russia is now going through a difficult, milestone period. The fate of the Motherland, its future depends on each of us. Today, on Victory Day, we realize this even more acutely and clearly and invariably look up to the generation of winners - brave, noble, wise, for their ability to cherish friendship and steadfastly endure adversity, to always be confident in themselves and in their country, sincerely and selflessly love the Motherland. We celebrate Victory Day in the context of a special military operation. All its participants - those who are on the front line, on the line of combat contact - are our heroes. We bow to your perseverance and self-sacrifice, dedication. All of Russia is with you. Our veterans believe in you and worry about you. Their spiritual involvement in your destinies and exploits inextricably binds generations of heroes of the Fatherland. <...> In the West, they would like to forget the lessons of the Second World War, but we remember that the fate of humanity was decided in grandiose battles near Moscow and Leningrad, Rzhev, Stalingrad, Kursk and Kharkov, near Minsk, Smolensk and Kiev, in difficult, bloody battles from Murmansk to the Caucasus and Crimea. <...> At the same time, I would like to emphasize: Russia has never belittled the importance of the second front and the help of the allies. We honor the courage of all the soldiers of the anti-Hitler coalition, members of the Resistance, underground fighters, partisans, the courage of the people of China, who fought for their independence against the aggression of militaristic Japan. We will always remember, we will never forget our common struggle and inspiring traditions of alliance.

Mr. Vladimir Vladimirovitch Putin, President of Russia.

LIVESTREAM: Watch the Military Parade and Wreath laying ceremony.

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