Friday 31 May 2024

World No-Tobacco Day 2024; May 31st.

FORUM: “Protecting children from tobacco industry interference.’’ World No-Tobacco Day 2024. This theme of WNTD 2024 is focused on advocating for an end to the targeting of youth with harmful tobacco products. This discourse provides a platform for young people, policy-makers and tobacco control advocates globally to discuss the issue and to urge governments to adopt policies that shield young people from the manipulative practices of the tobacco and related industries. Although cigarette smoking has decreased over the years due to phenomenal efforts by the tobacco control community, more must be done to safeguard these vulnerable groups. According to 2022 data, worldwide, at least 37 million young people aged 13–15 years use some form of tobacco. In the WHO European Region, 11.5% of boys and 10.1% of girls aged 13–15 years are tobacco users (4 million). Why the tobacco industry is targeting youth? To keep making billions of dollars in revenues, the tobacco industry needs to replace the millions of customers who die and those who quit tobacco use every year. To achieve this goal, it works to create an environment that promotes uptake of its products among the next generation, including lax regulation to ensure its products are available and affordable. The industry also develops products and advertising tactics that appeal to children and adolescents, reaching them through social media and streaming platforms. Products such as electronic cigarettes and nicotine pouches are gaining popularity among youth. It is estimated that 12.5% of adolescents in the European Region used e-cigarettes in 2022 compared to 2% of adults. In some countries of the Region, the rates of e-cigarette use among school children are 2–3 times higher than the rates of cigarette smoking. The industry wilfully sells a deadly dependency to young people, therefore WNTD 2024 calls on the governments and tobacco control community to protect current and future generations and to hold the tobacco industry liable for the harm it causes. Follow the conversation with the hashtags: #WorldNoTobaccoDay; #31May; #TobaccoControl.

EVENTS: The World No-Tobacco Day 2024 will be observed during a plenary session at WHO Headquarters in Geneva, Switzerland on May 31st. This year, once again, WHO and public health champions from across the globe will come together to raise awareness about the harmful influences of the tobacco industry on youth. We will also celebrate the anniversary of the adoption of the WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control (WHO FCTC), the global public health treaty that serves as the world’s front-line defence against the tobacco epidemic. Adopted by the World Health Assembly in 2003, it became one of the most rapidly embraced treaties in United Nations history – now with 182 Parties, representing more than 90% of the world’s population. The Convention was the first treaty negotiated under the auspices of the World Health Organization (WHO), and in 2018 its first protocol – the Protocol to Eliminate Illicit Trade in Tobacco Products – was adopted, further strengthening tobacco control.

STATEMENTS: Message from PAHO/WHO Regional Director; Dr Jarbas Barbosa, on World No Tobacco Day 2024; May 31st.


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World No Tobacco Day 2024 walk event

World No Tobacco Day walk event

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